Friday, September 30, 2011

Dhammapada verse #29


Among the heedless, heedful,
among the sleepy, wide awake.
As the swift horse outruns a hack
so one of good wisdom wins.





While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to two monks, who were friends.

It appears that these two monks obtained a Meditation topic from the Buddha and retired to a forest hermitage. Early in the morning one of them brought firewood, prepared the charcoaldish, and during the first watch sat and chatted with the probationers and novices. The other, a heedful monk, engaged in meditation, thus admonished his friend, “Brother, do not act thus. For a monk that is heedless stand ready four states of suffering, as if they were his own house. The favour of the Buddhas may not be won by double-dealing.” When the lazy monk paid no attention to his admonition, the zealous monk said, “This monk cannot endure to be spoken to.” Having failed to spur his comrade to greater effort, the zealous monk, abiding in heedfulness, resumed his meditations.

The slothful Venerable, having warmed himself during the first watch, entered the monastery just as his friend, having finished his walk, entered his cell. Said the slothful monk to the zealous monk, “Slothful one, you entered the forest for the purpose of lying down and sleeping. Seeing that you obtained a Meditation topic from the buddhas, ought you not rather to rise and devote yourself to the practice of meditation?” So saying, he entered his own place of residence, lay down, and went to sleep. But his friend, after walking up and down during the first watch and resting during the second watch, rose in the last watch and devoted himself to the practice of meditation. Living thus the life of heedfulness, in no long time he attained Arahatship, together with the Supernatural Faculties. The other monk, however, spent his time in utter heedlessness.

When the two monks had completed residence, they went to the Buddha, paid obeisance to him, and sat down respectfully on one side. The Buddha exchanged friendly greetings with them and queried, “I trust that you have lived the life of heedfulness and that you have devoted yourselves earnestly to the practice of meditation. I trust that you have reached the goal of the Religious Life.” The heedless monk replied, “Venerable, how can this monk be said to be heedful? From the time he left you he has done nothing but lie and sleep.” “But you, monk?” “I Venerable, early in the morning brought firewood and prepared the charcoal-dish, and during the first watch I sat and warmed myself, but I did not spend my time sleeping.” Then said the Buddha to the slothful monk, “You who have spent your time in heedlessness say, ‘I am heedful.’ You mistake heedlessness for heedfulness. Compared with my son, you are like a weak and slow horse; but he, compared with you, is like a fleet-footed horse.”


English source: "Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada" by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dhammapada verse #28


When one who’s wise does drive away
heedlessness by heedfulness,
having ascended wisdom’s tower
steadfast, one surveys the fools,
griefless, views the grieving folk,
as mountaineer does those below.





1. 本故事說明人不應該過度追求無法增進修行的事物。大迦葉企圖要了解的事無法幫助他證悟生命的實相。佛陀不斷提醒他的弟子們要確實參透生命的實相,努力解脫生死輪回,其他的追求都不是增上法。人可以透過察覺而證得阿羅漢果。一旦成為具有無上智慧的究竟聖者(如佛陀),自然具足這些能力。

While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Monk Mahàkassapa.

On a certain day, while the Buddha was in residence at the Pipphali Cave, he made his round of Ràjagaha for alms and after he had returned from his round for alms and had eaten his breakfast, he sat down and using psychic powers surveyed with Supernormal Vision all living beings, both heedless and heedful, in the water, on the earth, in the mountains, and elsewhere, both coming into existence and passing out of existence.

The Buddha, seated at Jētavana, exercised supernormal vision and pondered within himself, “With what is my son Kassapa occupied today?” Straightaway he became aware of the following, “He is contemplating the rising and falling of living beings.” And he said, “Knowledge of the rising and falling of living beings cannot be fully understood by you. Living beings pass from one existence to another and obtain a new conception in a mother’s womb without the knowledge of mother or father, and this knowledge cannot be fully understood. To know them is beyond your range, Kassapa, for your range is very slight. It comes within the range of the Buddhas alone, to know and to see in their totality, the rising and falling of living beings.” So saying, he sent forth a radiant image of himself, as it were, sitting down face to face with Kassapa.


English source: "Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada" by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯

Dhammapada verse # 26 ~ 27


Foolish folk of little wit
in heedlessness indulge,
the one who’s wise guards heedfulness
kin to the greatest wealth.


Don’t indulge in heedlessness!
Don’t come near to sexual joys!
The heedful and contemplative
attains abundant bliss.






While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke these verses, in connection with the Bàla Nakkhatta festival – the festival of simpletons.

On a certain date there was a simpletons’ festival celebrated in Sàvatthi, and on the occasion of this foolish holiday, folk used to smear their bodies with ashes and cow-dung and for a period of seven days go about uttering all manner of coarse talk.

At this time people showed no respect for kinsfolk or friends or monks when they met them, but stood in the doorways and insulted them with coarse talk. Those who could not endure the coarse talk would pay the holiday-makers a half or a quarter or a penny, according to their means, and the holiday-makers would take the money and depart from their houses.

Now at this time there were in Sàvatthi five million Noble Disciples, and they sent word to the teacher, “Venerable, let the Buddha refrain for a period of seven days from entering the city with the congregation of monks; let him instead remain at the monastery.” And, for a period of seven days the noble disciples caused food to be prepared for the congregation of monks at the monastery and sent it to them, but did not themselves leave their houses.

On the eighth day, however, when the festival was at an end,they invited the congregation of monks to be their guests, escorted them into the city, and gave abundant offerings. And having seated themselves respectfully on one side, they said to the Buddha, “Venerable, we have spent the past seven days unpleasantly. Our ears were about to burst from hearing the coarse talk of foolish folk. No one showed any respect for anybody else, and for this reason we did not permit you to enter the city. We ourselves did not go out of the house.”

The Buddha listened to what they said, and then replied, “In this manner unintelligent men conduct themselves. But they who are intelligent preserve heedfulness as their greatest treasure, and by so doing at last attain the attainment of the great Nibbàna.”


English source: "Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada" by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯

Monday, September 26, 2011

Dhammapada verse #25


By energy and heedfulness,
by taming and by self-control,
the one who’s wise should make as isle
no flood can overwhelm.



在王舍城有一大富人家的女兒,因為父母的嚴厲管束,禁止女兒與外界來往,反而促成了女兒與家僕的一段戀情,進而畏罪私奔,兩人到了一個 不為人知的地方共同生活了一段日子,之後妻子懷孕了,臨盆之前,她想到夫妻兩人要撫養一個小孩很辛苦,於是建議丈夫一起回到她父母身邊,做丈夫的唯恐主人怪罪,遲遲不敢答應妻子的請求,妻子也知道丈夫的顧慮,但自己究竟是他們親生的女兒,無論如何,父母還是不會為難她的,主意既定 ,於是她將家中整理一番,並請鄰居代為轉告她丈夫,就獨自回家去了。誰知在路上孩子就出生了,所幸丈夫即時趕來,兩人認為已無回家的必要,就相偕踏上歸程,並將那在路上出生嬰兒取名叫做『路』(Panthaka)。

不久,她又再度懷孕,一切經過如同上次一樣,第二個男孩同樣地在回 父母家的路上出生,於是老大取名『大路』(摩訶槃陀伽Mahapanthaka), 老二取名『小路』(周利槃陀伽Culapanthaka),夫妻倆帶著兩個孩子又回到原先居住的地方。

小孩漸漸長大,看到別的小孩有很多叔叔、伯伯,就問他們的母親:「我們沒有親戚嗎﹖」「是的,孩子,在這裡我們沒有親戚,但是在王舍城,你有一個非常富有的外祖父,以及很多的親戚在那兒。」「那為什麼我們不到那兒呢」兒子問道。夫妻倆經過一番商議,終於帶著兩個兒子回到王舍城 。她請人送信給自己的父母,告訴他們已帶著兩個兒子回到了故鄉,她的雙親聽到這個消息後如此說道:「在生命的輪迴中,誰不曾互為父母、子女、兄弟姐妹呢﹖只是,在這一世中他們那麼深地傷了我們的心,要再讓他們生活在我們眼前,已是不可能的事,叫他們帶著這些錢到他們喜歡的地方去過活,不過,還是讓他們把孩子送到這兒來吧!」於是夫妻倆不得不依著雙親的意思將兩個孩子託付信差,帶著雙親給的錢,傷心的離開王舍城。

兩個孩子在外公、外婆家漸漸長大,小路還小,大路卻已能和外公一塊兒去聞佛說法,因為常親近佛,聆聽法音,心中乃升起出家的念頭,外公得悉非常高興,就帶大路去跟隨佛陀出家,大路出家後,十分精進,而且深解佛陀教法之義諦,不久即證得阿羅漢果,並度他的弟弟小路出家,然而小路生性闇鈍,大路教他一個偈頌:「注視著佛陀的光耀,讚嘆佛陀的光明 ,如清晨紅蓮之綻放,亦如麗日中天。」小路花了四個月仍學不會此偈,原來在迦葉佛時代,小路曾經是個聰敏慧黠的出家人,因為開玩笑的模仿一位遲鈍比丘的模樣,妨礙了那位比丘因被嘲弄而不願再學習,也不願再複誦他所學,由於此一業因,小路此世生為呆鈍之,每每學了一字就忘了前面所學的一字,如此四個月過了,即使他很努力的學,還是記不得那個簡單的偈誦 ,大路只好對他說:「花四個月的時間都不能記好一個偈,如何能做好一個出家人呢﹖你還是離開吧!」然而小路喜愛佛法,並不想還俗過在家的生活 。

有一天耆婆長老前來邀請佛陀和他的弟子們明日去接受供養,大路負責安排僧眾應供的執事,就將小路排除,不令前往,小路知道後非常傷心,他想:「尊者安排那麼多比丘接受應供,獨獨將我除外,顯然我兄長對我已失望透頂,我留在僧團還有什麼意義﹖倒不如還俗回家,多行布施等善行,過在家生活。」隔天清晨就離開僧團準備回家,佛陀在這天清晨以神通觀察娑婆世界,得悉此事,就比小路更早到他所經過的路上,並在門前漫步,小路看見佛陀就前去頂禮,佛陀問明原委,就叫小路到佛陀身邊學習,佛陀以佈滿千輻輪的細軟手掌撫摸小路的頭,並將他帶到小香屋,讓他在跟前坐下 ,而後佛陀用神通變化一塊淨布給小路,對他說:「小路,你好好留在這裡 ,面對著東方,用心的搓揉這塊布,並隨時記住一句話:『去除污垢 (Rajoharanam),去除污垢 (Rajoharanam)』。」

應供的時間到,佛陀率領比丘眾到耆婆長者家中,坐在已舖設好的座位。而小路也面對著太陽坐著,邊搓邊念:『去除污垢,去除污垢』,但那塊布被他一搓,竟愈搓愈髒,於是他心想:「這塊布原是非常乾淨的,因為我的緣故,改變了它原來的樣子,變得這麼髒。因緣和合的事物的確是無常的!」他心中於是產生了對變異、毀壞的深切體悟。佛陀知道小路心中的感受,就以神通力再進一步對他說:「小路,這塊布因為灰塵而弄髒了,你不想想你心中也有如塵灰般激動不穩的情感嗎﹖去除掉這些污垢吧。」並說偈言:「 貪著是塵垢,亦非真塵垢,塵垢乃貪著,住於佛陀正法之比丘,不為塵垢所縳。瞋恚是塵垢,亦非真塵垢,塵垢乃瞋恚,住於佛陀正法之比丘,不為塵垢所縳。愚痴是塵垢,亦非真塵垢,塵垢乃真愚痴,住於佛陀正法之比丘 ,不為塵垢所縳。」

佛說偈已,小路立即體悟證果,同時具足四無礙解,一切三藏的義理全了然於心,事實上,小路過去生中曾是個國王,當他繞城巡行時,汗水從他的額頭淌下,他用乾淨的布一拭,布變髒了,他心中有所感:「因為這身體 ,如此乾淨的布改變了它的形態而髒了,因緣和合的事物的確是無常的。」 因為對無常的思惟,成就他開發智慧的重要助緣。


大路尊者答道:「世尊,沒有比丘在那兒了。 」



那時在寺院中的小路尊者想:「我兄長說寺院中已無比丘,我要讓他們看看尚有比丘在此。」於是,整個芒果園到處是比丘眾~有人在縫製僧服、有人在染衣、有人在閱讀,所變化出來的一千個比丘各自做著不同的工作。打探消息的人一看這一情景,回來報告耆婆長者說:「主人,整個芒果園到處是比丘僧,小路尊者也在那兒」小路尊者變化出一千個像他一樣的比丘後 ,就坐在美麗的芒果園,等著接受邀請。佛陀對那回消息的人說:「你到寺 院裡去說佛陀傳喚小路尊者」他去之後,依此傳喚,誰知一千張嘴竟都回答 :「我是小路,我是小路。」那人再度回來說:「世尊,他們每個人都叫小路尊者。」世尊告訴他說:「你再去,看誰第一個說『我是小路』的,你就抓住他的手,其他的就會消失不見了。」他照著做,一時一千個比丘都不見了。小路尊者就和他一道前往耆婆長者的家。







當時波羅奈的國王想要了解民情,並想了解百姓他治理國事的看法,有一天就微服出巡。剛好國王碰上兩個小偷正在挖一條通向兩戶人家的地道,國王就躲在屋子的陰影中看著他們。當他們挖好地道潛入屋中正在尋找財物時,那個從竺剎尸羅回來的學生正好醒來,口中背誦著他老師所教的咒語:「努力,努力, 為何如此努力﹖對此,我很清楚,我很清楚。」小偷聽到後以為行竊被發現 ,嚇得落慌而逃。國王看到這一幕,回到宮中後,第二天就傳喚一個人來對 他說:「你到某某地方去有被挖了地道的房子,那兒有個從竺剎尸羅學成回來的年輕人,把他帶來。」使者依旨前往將年輕人帶回王宮。國王就對他說 :「將你所學的教教我吧!」年輕人就把老師教的咒語傳授給國王,國王就給他一千個金幣當做報酬。那時,城中的將軍以一千金幣賄賂國王的理髮師 :「當國王刮鬍子時,你假裝幫他刮鬍子,然後用剃刀切斷他的喉嚨,屆時 ,你是大將軍,我就是國王了。」國王刮鬍子那天,理髮師用香水在國王鬍子上塗肥皂,手持鋒利的刀,握住國王的前額,心想:「一定要一刀切斷他的喉嚨,這剃刀有點兒不夠鋒利。」於是走到一旁去磨剃刀。此時,國王記起自己的咒語,隨口誦道:「努力,努力,為何如此努力﹖對此,我很清楚 ,我很清楚。」理髮師一聽頓時嚇得直冒冷汗,將手中的剃刀掉落在地,匍匐在國王的跟前,國王心知有異,就對他說:「嘿!惡劣的理髮師,你以為國王什麼都不曉得嗎﹖」「陛下,請原諒我。」「可以,不用害怕,將事情原原本本說出來。」「陛下,將軍給我一千個金幣,要我在幫國王刮鬍子時切斷國王的喉嚨,他要當國王,我當將軍。」國王大怒,就將將軍放逐。接著傳喚老師,對他說:「老師,因為你的關係,保全了我的性命。」之後對他崇敬有加,並賜與尊榮。

佛陀說完過去生的故事後說:「小路尊者過去生中亦是呆鈍的,因他曾依止我,故獲致世間的財富得以自立。比丘們,小路不只現在依止我,以前也是 。過去生中,我令他接有世間的財富,現在,我則令他獲得出世間的財富,那時,小富翁的學生就是小路尊者,而會觀星相的智者就是我。」





English source: "Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada" by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經的故事》 護法法師譯

Dhammapada verse #24


Assiduous and mindful,
pure kamma making, considerate,
restrained, by Dhamma heedful living,
for one such spread renown.









Residing at Vēluvana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Kumbhaghōsaka, the banker.

At one time, a plague epidemic broke out in the city of Ràjagaha. In the house of the city banker, the servants died on account of this disease; the banker and his wife were also attacked by the disease. When they were both infected with the disease they told their young son Kumbhaghōsaka to leave them and flee from the house and to return only after a long time. Also, they told him that at such and such a place they had buried a treasure of great worth. The son left the city and stayed in a forest for twelve years and then came back to the city. By that time, he was quite a grown up youth and nobody in the city recognized him. He went to the place where the treasure was hidden and found it was intact. But he reasoned and realized that there was no one who could identify him and that if he were to unearth the buried treasure and make use of it people might think a young poor man had accidentally come upon buried treasure and they might report it to the king. In this case, his property would be confiscated and he himself might be manhandled or put in captivity. So he concluded it was not yet time to unearth the treasure and that meanwhile he must find work for his living. Dressed in old clothes Kumbhaghōsaka looked for work. He was given the work of waking up and rousing the people to get up early in the morning and of going round announcing that it was time to prepare food, and time to fetch carts and yoke the bullocks.

One morning, King Bimbisàra heard him. The king who was a keen judge of voices commented, “This is the voice of a man of great wealth.” A maid, hearing the king’s remark sent someone to investigate. He reported that the youth was only a hireling of the labourers. In spite of this report the king repeated the same remark on two subsequent days. Again, enquiries were made but with the same result. The maid thought that this was very strange, so she asked the king to give her permission to go and personally investigate. Disguised as ordinary folk, the maid and her daughter set out to the place of the laborers. Saying that they were travellers, they asked for shelter and were given accommodation in the house of Kumbhaghōsaka just for one night. However, they managed to prolong their stay there. During that period, twice the king proclaimed that a certain ceremony must be performed in the locality of the laborers, and that every household must make contributions. Kumbhaghōsaka had no ready cash for such an occasion. So he was forced to get some gold coins from his treasure. As these coins were handed over to the maid, she substituted them with her money and sent the coins to the king. After some time, she sent a message to the king asking him to send some men and summon Kumbhaghōsaka to the court. Kumbhaghōsaka, reluctantly, went along with the men. The maid and her daughter also went to the palace, ahead of them.

At the palace, the king told Kumbhaghōsaka to speak out the truth and gave him assurance that he would not be harmed on this account. Kumbhaghōsaka then admitted that those Kahàpanas (gold coins) were his and also that he was the son of the city banker of Ràjagaha, who died in the plague epidemic twelve years ago. He further revealed the place where the treasure was hidden. Subsequently, all the buried treasure was brought to the palace; the king made him a banker and gave his daughter in marriage to him. Afterwards, taking Kumbhaghōsaka along with him, the king went to the Buddha at the Vēluvana Monastery and told him how the youth, though rich, was earning his living as a hireling of the laborers, and how he had appointed the youth a banker.


English source: "Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada" by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯

Dhammapada verse # 21 ~ 23


Heedfulness is the Deathless path,
heedlessness, the path to death.
Those who are heedful do not die,
heedless are like the dead.


The wise then, recognizing this
as the distinction of heedfulness,
pleased with the spheres of Nobles Ones,
in heedfulness rejoice.


They meditate persistently,
constantly they firmly strive,
the steadfast to Nibbana reach,
the Unexcelled Secure from bonds.


【第21 ~ 23偈的故事】





雖然如此,她繼續向國王誹謗皇后對國王不忠實,並且說皇后企圖殺害國王。有一 次,她知道國王帶著琵琶要到皇后的房子住幾天,就把一隻蛇藏在國王的琵琶中,並且用花把琵琶的孔遮蓋起來。然後她告訴國王說,她有不祥的預感,十分擔心國王的安危,請國王不要前去皇后的房子,但國王不予理會,她就跟隨國王到皇后的房子,並且趁人不注意的時候,把遮住琵琶孔的花朵拿開,琵琶內的蛇就跑到皇后的床上,並且蜷起身子,嘶嘶作響。國王看見蛇的時候,相信了她的纔言,誤認皇后要害他。國王一時非常憤怒,怒吼著,叫皇后站起來,也叫所有的侍女都站在皇后的身後。然後國王拉弓,將毒箭向皇后等人射去。但皇后等人對國王的舉止毫無懼意,只默默地流露慈悲的眼光,所以雖然國王善於射箭,卻未射中任何人。國王目睹這奇蹟時,明白皇后是無辜的,就恩准皇后邀請佛陀和眾多比丘到宮中來化緣、說法。




1. 「不死」的意思不是說精進的人不會死亡,有生必有死,即使佛陀和阿羅漢也不例外。不死的意思是說精進的人證得涅槃,不再生死輪迴,所以不死;放逸的人不知作善行,所以生死輪迴不斷。

2. 「聖境」指的是三十七道品和九種殊勝。

3. 此處的「禪定」包含止與觀。

4. 此處的「解脫(繫縛)得安隱」指解脫了四種煩惱:貪愛、生、邪見和無明。

5. 「涅槃」是佛教徒的最高理想,涅槃不是一般人所誤以為的斷見或一切虛無的境界。事實上,涅槃是永恆、不死、超凡的境界,一般言語無法完全表達涅槃的真實義,其字面的意義是遠離愛欲。涅槃是今生就可以證得的出世間境界,也可以解釋成所有愛欲止息的境界。涅槃不是一切虛無的意思,它肇因於究竟滌除愛欲而達到究竟解脫的喜悅境界。就形上學而言,涅槃指所有苦痛的止息。就心理學而言,涅槃是棄除自我觀。就道德(倫理)學而言,是三毒(貪、瞋、癡)的滌除。

6. 渴愛(Tanha:desire)、不樂(Arati:aversion)、貪欲(Raga:lust) 三者皆魔女。參考佛光阿含經,雜阿含經第1979頁註。


English source: "Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada" by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dhammapada verse # 19, 20


Though many sacred texts he chants
the heedless man's no practiser,
as cowherd counting other's kine
in samanaship he has no share.


Though few of the sacred texts he chant
in Dhamma does his practice run,
clear of delusion, lust and hate,
wisdom perfected, with heart well-freed.

【第19, 20偈的故事】

在舍衛城,有兩個感情甚篤的好朋友,兩人都是積善之家的兒子,有 一天,兩人相邀到寺廟聽佛說法,受了佛陀威德神力的攝受,乃毅然摒棄世樂,捨俗出家,兩人出家後非常精進,在道業上互相增上,二人一起去跟隨戒師學戒,之後再跟隨其他老師學習佛法,這樣過了五年,二人一同來到佛所,頂禮佛陀之後,向佛陀請示法要,佛告之曰:一則內觀禪坐,二則勤讀經典。其中一人較為年長,老來出家,研讀不力,遂想從內觀禪修下手,便進而向佛陀請教靜坐的方法,佛陀就由最基礎的靜坐方式,到成阿羅漢證果之內觀禪修方法,一一告之,這位年長的比丘於是離開他的朋友,隻身到森林裏修習禪定,行頭陀行(註一),精勤不懈,不久即證阿羅漢果。另一位較年輕的朋友則立志研讀,博覽群經,不久之後,即對三藏之學融會貫通,於是四方遊化,到處講經說法,收了五百比丘徒眾,又作了十八個佛教團體的住持,教化無數。

話分兩頭,先說這位較年長的,到森林裏實修禪定,已經開悟證果的 「勝道沙門」(註二),因為成就了內證工夫,許多佛子去向他請法,這位勝道沙門均直接教以內觀禪修的方法,因此每個弟子都得開悟解脫,不久也學徒濟濟,道聲甚隆。「勝道沙門」的弟子們很想入舍衛城去拜謁佛陀,這位勝道沙門便令弟子們代向佛陀及佛陀身邊的阿羅漢比丘頂禮問訊,並令弟子們順道到他的好友「博學比丘」的處所向他頂禮問好,弟子們拜謁佛 陀之後,旋即遵囑到博學比丘那裏,表明來意,代他們的老師向博學比丘頂禮問訊,這位博學比丘卻一臉傲慢的問道:「誰?」弟子們回答:「您的老友某某比丘。」

之後,這位勝道比丘的弟子們常常輪流去拜謁佛陀,勝道比丘從不忘了令弟子們順道去頂禮他的老友博學比丘,誰知這位博學比丘傲慢之餘又漸漸露出厭煩的神色,有一次又忍不住故意問前來頂禮的「勝道比丘」的弟子:「他是誰?」「您的老友某某比丘!」「你們跟他學到什麼?有沒有讀長阿舍?」「沒有。」「中阿舍?」「沒有。」「或者其他阿舍?」「沒有 。」「有沒有讀大藏經任何一部經典?」「沒有。」「有沒有讀過一句一偈?」「沒有。」博學比丘不客氣地說道:「怎麼出家那麼久,連一部小小的經典都沒學,他是怎麼教導你們的?你們的老師一大把年紀才出家,穿著糞掃衣在森林裏不知是怎麼過的,收了那麼多徒弟,竟然沒有一人學過任何一部經典。」












1. 頭陀行:僧人修治身心、淘汰煩惱塵垢的十二種梵行,又稱十二頭陀(亦有十三、十六之說),即(一)糞掃衣、(二)但三衣(三)乞(四)不作餘食(五)一坐食(六)一揣食(七)阿蘭若處(八)塚間住(九)樹下止(十)露地(十一)隨坐(十二)常坐不臥。

2. 勝道沙門:釋尊入滅的前一天,最後一餐是接受鐵匠周那的供養,飯後周那請教佛陀世間有幾種沙門,佛說世間共有四種沙門,即

3. 五禪:依《清淨道論》,色界善心與禪支相應的各別而有五種,即

4. 八種定:色界之四禪定與無色界之四空定也。四空定即空無邊處定、識無邊處定、無所有處定、非想非非想處定。

5. 四果:指須陀洹果、斯陀含果、阿那含果、阿羅漢果,稱四沙門果,略稱四果,指聲聞乘在修行過程中的四種階位。

While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke these verses, with reference to two monks who were friends.

For at Sàvatthi lived two young men of noble family who were inseparable friends. On a certain occasion they went to the Monastery, heard the Teacher preach the Law, renounced the pleasures of the world, yielded the mind to the Religion of the Buddha, and became monks. When they had kept residence for five years with preceptors and teachers, they approached the Teacher and asked about the Duties in his Religion. After listening to a detailed description of the Duty of Meditation and of the Duty of Study, one of them said, “Venerable, since I became a monk in old age, I shall not be able to fulfill the Duty of Study, but I can fulfill the Duty of Meditation.” So he had the Teacher instruct him in the Duty of Meditation as far as Arahatship, and after striving and struggling attained Arahatship, together with the Supernatural Faculties. But the other said, I will fulfill the Duty of Study,” acquired by degrees the Tipitaka, the Word of the Buddha, and wherever he went, preached the Law and intoned it. He went from place to place reciting the Law to five hundred monks, and was preceptor of eighteen large communities of monks.

Now a company of monks, having obtained a Formula of Meditation from the Teacher, went to the place of residence of the older monk, and by faithful observance of his admonitions attained Arahatship. Thereupon, they paid obeisance to the Venerable and said, “We desire to see the Teacher.” Said the Ven erable, “Go, brethren, greet in my name the Buddha, and likewise greet the eighty Chief Venerables, and greet my fellow-elder, saying, ‘Our teacher greets you.’” So those monks went to the Monastery and greeted the Buddha and the Venerables, saying, “Venerable, our teacher greets you.” When they greeted their teacher’s fellow-elder, he replied, “Who is he?” Said the monks, “He is your fellow-monk, Venerable.”

Said the younger monk, “But what have you learned from him? Of the Dãgha Nikàya and the other Nikàyas, have you learned a single Nikàya? Of the Three Pitakas, have you learned a single Pitaka?” And he thought to himself, “This monk does not know a single stanza containing four verses. As soon as he became a monk, he took rags from a dust-heap, entered the forest, and gathered a great many pupils about him. When he returns, it behoves me to ask him some question.” Now somewhat later the older monk came to see the Buddha, and leaving his bowl and robe with his fellow-elder, went and greeted the Buddha and the eighty Chief Venerables, afterwards returning to the place of residence of his fellow-elder. The younger monk showed him the customary attentions, provided him with a seat of the same size as his own, and then sat down, thinking to himself, “I will ask him a question.”

At that moment the Buddha thought to Himself, “Should this monk annoy this my son, he is likely to be reborn in Hell.” So out of compassion for him, pretending to be going the rounds of the monastery, He went to the place where the two monks were sitting and sat down on the Seat of the Buddha already prepared. (For wherever the monks sit down, they first prepare the Seat of the Buddha, and not until they have so done do they themselves sit down).

Therefore, the Buddha sat down on a seat already prepared for Him. And when He had sat down, He asked the monk who had taken upon himself the Duty of Study a question on the First Trance. When the younger monk had answered this question correctly, the Teacher, beginning with the Second Trance, asked him questions about the Eight Attainments and about Form and the Formless World, all of which he answered correctly. Then the Teacher asked him a question about the Path of Conversion; he was unable to answer it. Thereupon, the Buddha asked the monk who was an Arahat, and the latter immediately gave the correct answer.

“Well done, well done, monk!” said the Teacher, greatly pleased. The Teacher then asked questions about the remaining Paths in order. The monk who had taken upon himself the Duty of Study was unable to answer a single question, while the monk who had attained unto Arahatship answered every question He asked. On each of four occasions the Buddha bestowed applause on him. Hearing this, all the deities, from the gods of earth to the gods of the World of Brahma, including Nàgas and Garudàs, shouted their applause.

Hearing this applause, the pupils and fellow-residents of the younger monk were offended at the Buddha and said, “Why did the Buddha do this? He bestowed applause on each of four occasions on the old monk who knows nothing at all. But to our own teacher, who knows all the Sacred Word by heart and is at the head of five hundred monks, he gave no praise at all.” The Teacher asked them, “Monks, what is it you are talking about?” When they told Him, He said, “Monks, your own teacher is in my Religion like a man who tends cows for hire. But my son is like a master who enjoys the five products of the cow at his own good pleasure.”


English source: "Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada" by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經的故事》 護法法師譯

Friday, September 23, 2011

Dhammapada verse # 17, 18


Here one burns, one burns hereafter,
in both ways does the evil-doer burn;
evil I've done, remorsefully one burns,
and more one burns passed to realms of woe.


Here one's glad, one's glad hereafter,
in both ways is the merit-maker glad;
'Merit I've made', serenely one is glad,
and more one's glad passed to blissful states.



提婆達多是佛陀的表弟。有一次他和佛陀一起停留在憍賞彌,那時候,提婆達多認為佛陀受到太多的尊敬、榮耀和供養,因此妒忌佛陀,而企圖領導僧團。有一天,佛陀在王舍城的竹林精舍說法時,他向佛陀提出一個自私的意見,他認為佛陀日漸衰老,所以應該把領導僧團的責任交給他。佛陀予以拒絕,並且告訴他,說他不配擔當這重責大任。佛陀也要求僧團對他的傲慢加以懲戒並公開宣告(注1) 。




1. 僧團公開宣告,某一出家眾觸犯僧團戒律,所以自今以後,其一切言行純屬其個人行為,與佛、法、僧團完全無關。

2. 經過無數長時間(劫)的償還,提婆達多有一天往生為獨覺佛,這是因為他在違背戒律之前證得某一程度的修行境界。在輪回中,即使地獄和天的境界也不是永恒不變的,只有涅槃是究竟永恒的。





While residing at the Jētavana Monastery in Sàvatthi, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Sumanàdēvi, the youngest daughter of Anàthapiõóika.

Every day, two thousand monks took their meal in the house of Anàthapiõóika at Sàvatthi, and a like number in the house of the eminent female lay disciple Visàkhà. Anàthapiõóika appointed his oldest daughter Mahà Subhadda; the latter showed the monks the customary attentions, hearkened to the Law, and as a result obtained the Fruit of Conversion; afterwards she married and went to live with her husband’s family. Then he appointed Culla Subhaddà, who followed her older sister’s example, obtaining the Fruit of Conversion, and afterwards marrying and going to live with the family of her husband. Finally he appointed his youngest daughter Sumanà. Sumanà obtained the Fruit of the Second Path, but remained unmarried.

Later Sumanà fell ill and on her death-bed she asked for her father. Anàthapiõóika was in the refectory when he received his daughter’s message, but immediately went to her and said, “What is it, dear daughter Sumanà?” Sumanà said to him, “What say you, dear youngest brother?” “You talk incoherently, dear daughter.” I am not talking incoherently, youngest brother.” “Are you afraid, dear daughter?” “I am not afraid, youngest brother.” She said no more, but died immediately.

Although the treasurer had obtained the Fruit of Conversion, he was unable to bear the grief that arose within him. Accordingly, when he had performed the funeral rites over his daughter’s body, he went weeping to the Buddha. Said the Buddha, “Householder, how is it that you come to me sad and sorrowful, with tears in your eyes, weeping?” “Venerable, my daughter Sumanà is dead.” “Well, why do you weep? Is not death certain for all?” I know that, Venerable. But my daughter was so modest and so conscientious. What grieves me so much is the thought that when she died, she was not in her right senses.”

“But what did your youngest daughter say, great treasurer?” “Venerable, I addressed her as ‘dear Sumanà,’ and she replied, ‘What say you, dear youngest brother?’ Then I said to her, ‘You talk incoherently, dear daughter.’ ‘I am not talking incoherently, youngest brother.’ ‘Are you afraid, dear daughter?’ ‘I am not afraid, youngest brother.’ She said no more, but died immediately.” Said the Exalted One to Anàthapiõóika, “Great treasurer, your daughter did not talk incoherently.” “But why did she speak thus?” “Solely because you were her youngest brother. Householder, your daughter was old in the Paths and the Fruits, for while you have attained but the Fruit of Conversion, your daughter had attained Paths and the Fruits, that she spoke thus.” “Was that the reason, Venerable?” “That was the reason, householder.”

“Where has she now been reborn, Venerable?” In the World of the Tusita gods, householder.” “Venerable, while my daughter remained here among her kinsfolk, she went about rejoicing, and when she went hence, she was reborn in the Dēva world.” Then the Buddha said to him, “It is even so householder. They that are heedful, be they lay folk or religious, rejoice both in this world and in the world beyond.”


English source: "Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada" by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dhammapada verse # 15, 16


Here one grieves, one grieves hereafter,
in both ways does the evil-doer grieve;
one grieves and is afflicted,
one's own base kammas seeing.


Here one joys, one joys hereafter,
in both ways does the merit-maker joy;
one joys and one rejoices,
one's own pure kammas seeing.



















比丘們離開大優婆塞塔蜜卡家裡,逕回佛所,佛陀問道:「優婆塞塔蜜卡有沒有聽經?」「剛開始唸優婆塞就喊等一下,他的兒女們都傷心得大哭,我們認為不適合久留就回來了。」佛陀含笑說道:「比丘們,他不是叫你們等一下,他這句話是對天人說的,六欲天的天人爭著要塔蜜卡往生他們的天國,塔蜜卡要聽誦經,不想被打擾,所以對天人說:『等一下』」,「 世尊!真是這樣的嗎?」「是的。」「現在大優婆塞往生何處?」世尊道: 「他已經往生兜率天了。」




六欲天:天界眾生的居住處所,《俱舍論》卷八說欲界有六天,色界四靜慮處十七天,無色界亦有四處,亦即三界二十七天。所謂欲界六天即 四大王眾天、忉利天、夜摩天、兜率天、樂變化天、他化自在天。



English source: "Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada" by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
偈15中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯
偈16中文故事出處:《法句經的故事》 護法法師譯

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dhammapada verse # 13, 14


Even as the rain does penetrate
a house that's badly thatched,
likewise lust does penetrate
the mind uncultivated.


As rain does never penetrate
a house that is well-thatched,
so lust does never penetrate
the mind well cultivated.








English source: "Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada" by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dhammapada verse # 11, 12


Conceiving the real in unreality
while seeing unreal the truly real,
guided by wrong aspiration
never they at the real arrive.


That which is real they know as real,
that unreal, to be unreal;
guided by right aspiration
they at the real arrive.


【第11, 12偈的故事】







English source: "Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada" by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dhammapada verse # 9, 10


One who wears the stainless robe
who's yet not free from stain,
without restraint and truthfulness
for the stainless robe's unfit.


But one who is self-cleansed of stain,
in moral conduct firmly set,
having restraint and truthfulness
is fit for the stainless robe.


【第9, 10偈的故事】






1. 袈裟是棄絕世間的外在象征,比丘的袈裟加以染色是為了使其不具任何價值。本法句的袈裟是一雙關語,如果內心不清淨,則光靠外表的象征也沒有任何意義。佛陀在另一個場合中,曾說內心清淨的人,不管外表如何,才是真的比丘。

2. 獨覺佛與佛一樣都是自行證悟四聖諦,並且斷除所有煩惱的人,但獨覺佛並不教導眾生。獨覺佛在佛不出現世間時出現。


English source: "Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada" by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯

Friday, September 16, 2011

Dhammapada verse # 7, 8


One who beauty contemplates,
whose faculties are unrestrained,
in food no moderation knows,
is languid, who is indolent:
that one does Mara overthrow
as wind a tree of little strength.


One who foulness contemplates,
whose faculties are well-restrained,
in food does moderation know,
is full of faith, who's diligent:
that one no Mara overthrows,
as wind does not a rocky mount.


【第7, 8偈的故事】






1. 魔:佛法中的魔有五種意義: (1)五蘊(2)造作(3)死(4)煩惱(5)天魔波旬。在本篇中指的是「煩惱」。

2. 信:基於智慧而對佛、法、僧的信仰。佛法中沒有盲從迷信。佛子不可基於不合理的信仰而接受任何事情。


English source: "Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada" by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dhammapada verse # 5, 6


Never here by enmity
are those with enmity allayed,
they are allayed by amity,
this is the timeless Truth.


Still others do not understand
that we must perish in this world,
those who understand this,
there quarrels are allayed.


















滿心怨恨的母雞死了以後,轉生為豹。貓後來死亡出生為鹿。鹿長大以後,有三次生出的小鹿被豹吃掉了。最後一次豹還抓住母鹿。鹿臨死之前心想: 將來我也要吃牠的小孩。於是鹿變成了虎姑婆。後來豹轉生為舍衛城的一個女孩子,當她結婚成家以後,虎姑婆化身為她的親密朋友。她懷孕生產時,虎姑婆來了,假裝關懷地說:「妳生了男孩還是女孩﹖讓我看看!」虎姑婆進入房裡,一看到小嬰兒,抓起來就吃掉。第二次也這樣。











一件微不足道的事件使憍賞彌的比丘們諍論不休。有些比丘跟隨精通律(vinaya )的法師,其他的比丘則跟隨精通法(dhamma)的法師,雙方諍論不休。他們甚至不聽佛陀的勸解,但佛陀知道他們終究會明白這樣是錯誤的,所以就離開他們,單獨到森林的僻遠靜處結夏安居(注1) (注2)。



1. 結夏安居(vassa),即南傳上座部佛教的雨安居。

2. 佛陀安居森林時曾經有一只大象和猴子照顧佛陀 。曾有記載說明該猴子如何照顧佛陀的有趣經過:當該猴子看見大象照顧佛陀時,它也決定要效法大象,為佛陀做些服務。有一天,猴子在樹叢中蕩來蕩去時,發現有一蜂巢,它就把蜂巢所在的樹幹折斷,取下蜂巢,並將它放在樹葉上,獻給佛陀,佛陀接下好意後,猴子就躲起來,觀察佛陀是否吃蜂蜜,卻發現佛陀並不吃蜂蜜,猴子就過來拿起蜂巢,前後翻轉,想要找出為什麼佛陀不吃蜂蜜的原因,結果發現蜂巢中有些昆蟲的蛋,它就把這些蛋拿開,然後再獻給佛陀。佛陀終於吃蜂蜜了。


English source: "Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada" by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
第5偈故事出處:《法句經的故事》 護法法師譯
第6偈故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯

Dhammapada verse # 3, 4


Who bears within them enmity:
"He has abused and beaten me,
defeated me and plundered me",
hate is not allayed for them.


Who bears within no enmity:
"He has abused and beaten me,
defeated me and plundered me",
hate is quite allayed for them.


【第3, 4偈的故事】


笛沙尊者是佛陀的表兄弟(佛陀的姑母之子),笛沙很老的時候才跟隨佛陀出家,仰仗著佛陀的關係,接受了很多供養,衣食豐厚,因此不久笛沙就變得又肥又胖,穿起袈裟來就顯得臃腫不堪,偏偏他又喜歡在接待訪客的大廳坐。每一次前來拜謁佛陀的比丘們看到笛沙年老的模樣,都以為他是一位出家很久,德行很高的比丘,當下就在客廳裏先頂禮笛沙尊者 ,甚或幫他老人家按摩手腳,舒緩筋骨,笛沙尊者從不分辯,默然不響地 一一接受比丘們對他所有表示尊敬的行為,而且還時常擺出一副大法師的派頭。

有一次,一位年輕的比丘前來拜見佛陀,笛沙一如往常,在客廳裏傲然地坐著,似乎又再等著年輕比丘來向他頂禮膜拜,誰知年輕比丘劈頭第 一句話便問:「你出家多久了﹖」(注一),笛沙很不高興地回答:「我沒有戒臘,我老了才出家的。」(事實上未滿一年),年輕比丘一聽,毫不客氣地說:「你這算什麼出家人﹖老了出家還不知遵守戒律,不知待客之道,也絲毫沒有慚愧心。」說罷一巴掌打得圓滾滾的笛沙眼冒金星,昏頭轉向。笛沙被打,面上無光,惱羞成怒的問道:「你來做什麼﹖」「我來拜見佛陀。」「你以為我是誰﹖我要砍掉你的根。」(注二)。笛沙尊者說罷即跑到佛前哭訴,年輕比丘也隨後跟來,向佛陀頂禮後,一邊坐下。





年輕苦行者躺在床上仔細思惟方才所發生的經過,確定自己沒有錯,如果這樣,明天早晨太陽出來時,腦袋爆開死掉的就一定是老苦行者了,想到這裏,心下起了一念不忍──他不想讓老苦行者因為這事情而送命。 於是年輕行者也運用神通,在太陽出來之前,集中所有的烏雲將太陽緊緊密蓋住,因此,這一天太陽始終沒有露面,整個城國一片愁雲慘霧似的陰霾,不知情的老百姓以為是國王昏庸失德,才使得天候如此,一時民怨沸騰,國王卻瞭解這種情形可能是城裏住著修行者的關係,一聲令下,立刻查出陶家兩位修行者的事,年輕苦行者向國王稟明原諉,為了挽救老苦行 者的性命,害得全國百姓不見天日,也著實過意不去,因此就想了一個辦法:在陶家取了一團陶土罩在老苦行者的頭上,當太陽出來時,將老苦行者溺在水裏,只剩頭上那一撮陶土。

這事老苦行者那裏肯依,認為自己沒有錯,國王只好動員全國的衛兵將老苦行者抓住,強行在老苦行者「頭上鞍頭」,此時年輕苦行者才解開神通,一時撥雲見日,就在太陽要出來的那一剎那,衛兵們迅速將事先浸在水中的老苦行者的頭往水裏一按,只露出頭上那一團陶土,說時遲那時 快,那陶土作的頭果然爆開了,老苦行者因此逃過一劫,幸免於難。而那位老苦行者正是笛沙尊者。








While residing at the Jētavana Monastery in Sàvatthi, the Buddha uttered these Verses, with reference to Monk Tissa. Tissa, son of the Buddha’s maternal aunt, was at one time staying with the Buddha. He had become a monk only in his old age, but he posed as a senior monk and was very pleased when visiting monks asked his permission to do some service for him. On the other hand, he failed to perform the duties expected of junior monks; besides, he often quarrelled with the younger monks. Should anyone rebuke him on account of his behaviour, he would go complaining to the Buddha, weeping, very much dissatisfied and very upset.

Once, the Teacher asked him, “Tissa, why have you come to me so sad and sorrowful with tears in your eyes, weeping?” The other monks had discussed among themselves, “If he goes alone, he may cause trouble.” So they too went along with him, paid obeisance to the Teacher, and sat down respectfully on one side. Tissa answered the Teacher’s question, “Venerable, these monks are abusing me.” The Teacher asked, “But where were you sitting?” “In the centre of the monastery in the Hall of State, Venerable.” “Did you see these monks when they came?” “Yes, Venerable I saw them.” “Did you rise and go to meet them?” “No, Venerable, I did not.” “Did you offer to take their monastic utensils?” “No, Venerable, I did not offer to take them.” “Tissa, do not act thus. You alone are to be blamed; ask their pardon.” “I will not ask their pardon, Venerable.” The monks said to the Teacher, “He is an obstinate monk, Venerable.” The Teacher replied, “Monks, this is not the first time he has proved obstinate; he was obstinate also in a previous state of existence.” “We know all about his present obstinacy, Venerable; but what did he do in a previous state of existence?” “Well then, monks, listen,” said the Teacher. So saying, he told the following story.

Once upon a time, when a certain king reigned at Benàres, an ascetic named Dēvala, who had resided for eight months in the Himàlaya country, desiring to reside near the city during the four months of the rains, for salt and vinegar returned from the Himàlayas. Seeing two boys at the gate of the city, he asked them, “Where do monks who come to this city spend the night?” “In the potter’s hall, Venerable.” So Dēvala went to the potter’s hall, stopped at the door, and said, “lf it is agreeable to you, Bhaggava, I would like to spend one night in your hall.” The potter turned over the hall to him, saying, “I have no work going on in the hall at night, and the hall is a large one; spend the night here as you please, Venerable.” No sooner had Dēvala entered the hall and sat down than another ascetic named Nàrada, returning from the Himàlayas, asked the potter for a night’s lodging. The potter thought to himself, “The ascetic who arrived first may or may not be willing to spend the night with him; I will therefore relieve myself of responsibility.” So he said to the ascetic who had just arrived, “Venerable, if the ascetic who arrived first approves of it, spend the night at your pleasure.” So Nàrada approached Dēvala and said, “Teacher, if it is agreeable to you, I would like to spend one night here.” Dēvala replied, “The hall is a large one; therefore come in and spend the night on one side.” So Nàrada went in and sat down beside the ascetic who had gone in before him. Both exchanged friendly greetings.

When it was bedtime, Nàrada noted carefully the place where Dēvala lay and the position of the door, and then lay down. But when Dēvala lay down, instead of lying down in his proper place, he lay down directly across the doorway. The result was that when Nàrada went out at night, he trod on Dēvala’s matted locks. Thereupon Dēvala cried out, “Who is treading on my locks?” Nàrada replied, “Teacher, it is I.” “False ascetic,” said Dēvala, “You come from the forest and tread on my locks.” “Teacher, I did not know that you were lying here; please pardon me.” Nàrada then went out, leaving Dēvala weeping as if his heart would break. Dēvala thought to himself, “I will not let him tread on me when he comes in also.” So he turned around and lay down, placing his head where his feet had been before. When Nàrada came in, he thought to himself, “The first time I injured the teacher; this time I will go in past his feet.” The result was that, when Nàrada entered, he trod on Dēvala’s neck. Thereupon Dēvala cried out, “Who is that?” Nàrada replied, “It is I, teacher.” “False ascetic,” said Dēvala, “The first time you trod on my locks. This time you tread on my neck. I will curse you.” “Teacher, I am not to blame. I did not know that you were lying in this position. When I came in I thought to myself, ‘The first time I injured the teacher; this time I will go in past his feet.’ Please pardon me.” “False ascetic, I will curse you.” “Do not do so, teacher.” But Dēvala, paying no attention to what Nàrada said, cursed him all the same, saying, “May your head split into seven pieces at sunrise.”

Now Nàrada, perceiving that the curse would fall back on his brother-ascetic, he felt compassion for him, and therefore put forth the power of his meditation and prevented the sunrise. When the sun did not rise, the king had to intervene and ask Dēvala to apologise. Dēvala refused. Then said Nàrada to Dēvala, “Teacher, I will put forth my power of meditation and make the sun to rise. At the moment of sunrise please keep a lump of clay on your head and submerge in water and rise in different places as you go your way.” As soon as the sun’s rays touched the lump of clay on his head, it divided into seven pieces. Thereupon Dēvala ducked in the water, and came up in a different place, and ran away. When the Buddha had given his instruction, he said, “Monks, at that time the king was Ânanda, Dēvala was Tissa, and Nàrada was myself, when at that time he was obstinate.”

The Buddha advised them not to keep thoughts of enmity, for this could be only appeased by thoughts of friendliness.


English source: "Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada" by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經的故事》 護法法師譯

Dhammapada verse # 1, 2


Mind precedes all knowables,
mind's their chief, mind-made are they.
If with a corrupted mind
one should either speak or act
dukkha follows caused by that,
as does the wheel the ox's hoof.


Mind precedes all knowables,
mind's their chief, mind-made are they.
If with a clear, and confident mind
one should speak and act
as one's shadow ne'er departing.





後來,他的太太真的懷孕了,十個月之後生了一個兒子,取名字「護」 ,一年後,太太又生了一個兒子,取名「小護」,並將大兒子改名「大護」 。兒子長大各自結婚後,雙親也過世了。

有一天,大護看到了很多人拿了很多的香、花,到舍衛國的給孤獨園,他問那些人:「你們要去那裡﹖」「我們要去聽佛陀說法」,他就跟著大家 去聽佛陀說法,他坐在最後面。當時佛陀說了六種教法,分別是:一、布施-教人們不要貪;二、持戒-為了我們生命的安全;三、如何上天堂-就是要到好的地 方;四、要如何攝收六根-為了內心的平靜;五、在家的煩惱和障礙;六、出家修行的好處。大護聽了之後,內心非常的快樂,他想:如果我死後,我的兒子、財 產、太太,都不能跟我一起死去,甚至連我的身體也不能跟我一起去,那我在家有什麼好處呢﹖我決定要出家。所以,他走到 前面向佛陀頂禮,並請求跟隨佛陀出家修行。佛陀問他:「你需不需要徵詢家人的意見才出家﹖」「我有一個弟弟在家」「那你先去問你弟弟的意見」 佛陀說。大護回家後,告訴弟弟說:「家裡的一切財產都歸你,我要跟隨佛陀去出家」弟弟說:「你要開玩笑了,父母過世後,你就有如我的父母,你怎麼能出家呢﹖等到你老了再出家吧!」大護回答道:「你也不要開玩笑了,等我老了,我的手、腳、眼睛、頭、牙齒……身體的每一部份都不靈了,怎能行如此奧妙的法呢﹖」 由於大護決心要出家,便不顧弟弟的苦苦哀求,逕自到佛陀處出家了。


有一次,護眼尊者到祇樹給孤獨園的寺院去禮拜世尊。一天晚上,尊者在慢步經行中,無意間踩死了一群昆蟲,隔天早上,一群比丘去看護眼尊者時,發現了那一些 昆蟲的屍體,他們對護眼尊者很不諒解,就將這事件稟告佛陀。佛陀反問這些比丘,他們在什麼地方看護眼尊者殺了這些昆蟲了﹖比丘們一時啞口無言,世尊說道: 「你們沒有看見他殺生,正如他沒有看見活著的蟲身一樣,況且,尊者已經證得阿羅漢果,不可能故意殺害生靈,甚且是濫殺無辜」。會中有一比丘請問世尊,尊者既已證得阿羅漢果,為何還是瞎著雙眼﹖世尊因此說了以下的故事:





While residing at the Jētavana Monastery in Sàvatthi, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Cakkhupàla, a blind monk.

On one occasion, Monk Cakkhupàla came to pay homage to the Buddha at the Jētavana Monastery. One night, while pacing up and down in meditation, the monk accidentally stepped on some insects. In the morning, some monks visiting the monk found the dead insects. They thought ill of the monk and reported the matter to the Buddha. The Buddha asked them whether they had seen the monk killing the insects. When they answered in the negative, the Buddha said, “Just as you had not seen him killing, so also he had not seen those living insects. Besides, as the monk had already attained arahatship he could have no intention of killing, so he was innocent.” On being asked why Cakkhupàla was blind although he was an arahat, the Buddha told the following story:
Cakkhupàla was a physician in one of his past existences. Once, he had deliberately made a woman patient blind. That woman had promised to become his slave, together with her children, if her eyes were completely cured. Fearing that she and her children would have to become slaves, she lied to the physician. She told him that her eyes were getting worse when, in fact, they were perfectly cured. The physician knew she was deceiving him, so in revenge, he gave her another ointment, which made her totally blind. As a result of this evil deed the physician lost his eyesight many times in his later existences.



從前佛陀住在舍衛國給孤獨園時,有一個年輕的婆羅門名叫摩特昆得利 ,他是一個非常可愛的少年。他的爸爸名叫俄丁納布柏各,是一個非常吝嗇的人,雖然十分富有,財產超過十億,卻從來不肯佈施。由於吝嗇小器,這個爸爸在為兒子打造金耳環時,還親自動手以節省工錢。







婆羅門回答說:「我失去了一個像你這麼可愛的孩子,所以我傷心地哭 。」


婆羅門關切地問:「你缺少什麼東西﹖我願意給你,不要哭,快告訴我 !」

小孩子說:「我做了一輛車子,但是缺少兩個輪子,我想要月亮和太陽 當做輪子,不要別的。我沒有得到的話。我就要每天來跟著你一起哭。」


小孩子說:「誰是愚痴﹖看得到的東西都有可能拿不到,更何況看不到的東西又怎麼能得到呢﹖我為了看得到的東西哭,你為了看不到的東西哭,是誰愚痴﹖請告訴我 !」









While residing at the Jētavana Monastery in Sàvatthi, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Maññakuõdali, a young Bràhmin.

Maññakuõdali was a young Bràhmin, whose father, Adinnapubbaka, was very miserly and never gave anything in charity. Even the gold ornaments for his only son were made by himself to save payment for workmanship. When his son fell ill, no physician was consulted, until it was too late. When he realized that his son was dying, he had the youth carried outside on to the verandah, so that people coming to see his son would not see his possessions in his house.

On that morning, the Buddha arising early from his deep meditation of compassion saw, in his Net of Knowledge, Maññakuõdali lying on the verandah. So when entering Sàvatthi for almsfood with his disciples, the Buddha stood near the door of the Bràhmin Adinnapubbaka. The Buddha sent forth a ray of light to attract the attention of the youth, who was facing the interior of the house. The youth saw the Buddha; and as he was very weak he could only profess his faith mentally. But that was enough. When he passed away with his heart in devotion to the Buddha he was reborn in the Tàvatiüsa celestial world.

From his celestial abode the young Maññakuõdali, seeing his father mourning over him at the cemetery, appeared to the old man in the likeness of his old self. He told his father about his rebirth in the Tàvatiüsa world and also urged him to approach and invite the Buddha to a meal. At the house of Adinnapubbaka the question of whether one could or could not be reborn in a celestial world simply by mentally professing profound faith in the Buddha, without giving in charity or observing the moral precepts, was brought up. So the Buddha invited Maññakuõdali to appear in person; Maññakuõdali then appeared in his celestial ornaments and told them about his rebirth in the Tàvatiüsa realm. Only then, the listeners became convinced that the son of the Bràhmin Adinnapubbaka, by simply devoting his mind to the Buddha, had attained much glory.

English source: "Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada" by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經的故事》 護法法師譯