Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Dhammapada verse # 273 ~ 276


Of paths the Eight-fold is the best,
of truths the statement four,
the passionless of teachings best,
of humankind the Seer.


This is the path, no other’s there
for purity of insight,
enter then upon this path
bemusing Mara utterly.


Entered then upon this path
you’ll make an end of dukkha.
Freed in knowledge from suffering’s stings
the Path’s proclaimed by me.


Buddhas just proclaim the Path
but you’re the ones to strive.
Contemplatives who tread the Path
are freed from Mara’s bonds.


【第273 ~ 276偈的故事】

一群比丘伴隨佛陀到某一村子去化緣後,回到祇樹給孤獨園。當天傍晚,他們在一起討論路途的情況,尤其有關當地的山川地勢,究竟是平地或山巒起伏,泥土路或碎石路等等。佛陀聽到他們的話後,就過來告訴他們:「比丘們!你們現在所談論的路況是外在的環境,比丘應該只關注聖者的修行之道,並且精進修習可以引領至涅槃的修行。」 備註: 註1:「八支」即「八正道」即中道,可用來證悟涅槃。 註2:「四句」即「四聖諦」:苦、集、滅、道。不管佛陀出世與否,四聖諦永遠存在世間,佛陀只是指出四聖諦而已 。 註3:佛陀是第一位主張人可以不用依賴超自然或或外在的力量,而自行證得解脫的宗教師。


English source: "Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada" by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯