Dhammapada verse #99
Delightful are the forests
where folk do not delight,
there the Passionless delight,
they’re not pleasure-seekers.
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to a woman of doubtful character.
We were told that a certain monk who lived by his alms-bowl, got a meditation topic from the Buddha and retired to a dilapidated garden for the purpose of meditation. Now a certain courtesan made an appointment with a man, saying, “I will go to such and such a place and you meet me there.” The woman kept the appointment, but the man did not. For some time she watched in vain the path by which she expected him to come. Finally, disappointed at his failure to keep his appointment, she strolled hither and thither and went into the garden.
There she saw the monk sitting cross-legged. Looking this way and that, and seeing no one else about, she said to herself, “Here is a man; I will throw his thoughts into confusion.” So standing in front of the monk, she took down her undergarment several times and put it on again, unloosened her hair and bound it up again, and clapped her hands and laughed. The Venerable became excited; his whole body, in fact, was suffused with excitement. “What does this mean?” thought he.
The Buddha considered within himself, “A monk obtained a meditation topic from me and went forth to perform his meditations. How is he getting on?” Seeing that woman, and observing her evil conduct, and perceiving that her evil conduct was upsetting the Venerable, still remaining seated in his perfumed chamber he spoke as follows, “Monks, there is no delight where those abide who seek after their lusts. But where those abide who are free from passion, that place is full of delight.” So saying, he sent forth a radiant image of himself, and instructing the Venerable in the Dhamma, recited this stanza.
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to a woman of doubtful character.
We were told that a certain monk who lived by his alms-bowl, got a meditation topic from the Buddha and retired to a dilapidated garden for the purpose of meditation. Now a certain courtesan made an appointment with a man, saying, “I will go to such and such a place and you meet me there.” The woman kept the appointment, but the man did not. For some time she watched in vain the path by which she expected him to come. Finally, disappointed at his failure to keep his appointment, she strolled hither and thither and went into the garden.
There she saw the monk sitting cross-legged. Looking this way and that, and seeing no one else about, she said to herself, “Here is a man; I will throw his thoughts into confusion.” So standing in front of the monk, she took down her undergarment several times and put it on again, unloosened her hair and bound it up again, and clapped her hands and laughed. The Venerable became excited; his whole body, in fact, was suffused with excitement. “What does this mean?” thought he.
The Buddha considered within himself, “A monk obtained a meditation topic from me and went forth to perform his meditations. How is he getting on?” Seeing that woman, and observing her evil conduct, and perceiving that her evil conduct was upsetting the Venerable, still remaining seated in his perfumed chamber he spoke as follows, “Monks, there is no delight where those abide who seek after their lusts. But where those abide who are free from passion, that place is full of delight.” So saying, he sent forth a radiant image of himself, and instructing the Venerable in the Dhamma, recited this stanza.
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯