Dhammapada verse #95
Like earth is one who’s well-behaved,
secure and not resentful,
as city-post, as filth-free lake,
no wanderings-on for One Who’s Thus.
舍利弗謙虛地說完之後,犯錯的年輕比丘深感愧疚,承認自己指控舍利弗的錯誤。佛陀建議舍利弗接受年輕比丘的道歉,免得年輕比丘將來受業報。年輕比丘就恭敬地懇求舍利弗寬恕。舍利弗也誠摯的原諒他,並且重述如果自己有任何不對的地方,也請他能原諒 (註2)。
備註: 1. 因陀揭羅,是在大門中間安放一堅固的石頭,作為關門時放門橛用的。另一種說法認為它是帝釋的柱子,在進城的地方安立一大而堅固的柱子,以象徵因陀羅(印度守護神)之所在。
2. 舍利弗和大目犍連尊者是佛陀的兩大弟子,佛陀指派他們擔任僧伽的指導人,佛陀建議所有的比丘尊敬他們如同父與母。
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to the Chief Disciple Sàriputta and a young monk.
Once upon a time, at the conclusion of the rains, Venerable Sàriputta, desiring to go forth on an alms-pilgrimage, took leave of the Buddha, paid obeisance to him, and departed with his own retinue. Many other monks took leave of the Venerable. In dismissing the monks the Venerable mentioned the personal and family name of all of the monks who were known by personal and family names. A certain monk who was not known by a personal and family name said, “Oh, that the Venerable would greet me by a personal and family name in dismissing me.” But in the great throng of monks the elder did not notice him. Thereupon the monk said to himself, “He does not greet me as he does the other monks,” and straightaway conceived a grudge against the Venerable.
Besides that, the hem of the Venerable’s garment brushed against the monk, and this also served to intensify the hatred the monk felt towards the Venerable. So, as soon as he knew that the Venerable had passed beyond the entrance to the monastery, he approached the Buddha and said to him, “Venerable, Venerable Sàriputta, doubtless thinking to himself, ‘I am your chief disciple,’ struck me a blow that almost injured my ear. Having so done, without so much as begging my pardon, he set out on his alms-pilgrimage.” The Buddha caused the Venerable to be summoned.
Venerable Sàriputta came with the rest, saluted the Buddha, and sat down respectfully on one side. When the Buddha questioned him about the incident, the elder, instead of saying, “I did not strike that monk,” recited his own virtues.
As the Venerable recited his own virtues, remorse pervaded the whole body of the monk who had unjustly slandered him. And straightaway he fell at the feet of the Buddha, admitted that he was guilty of slander, and confessed his fault. The Buddha addressing the Venerable, said, “Sàriputta, pardon this deluded man, lest his head split into seven pieces.” Thereupon the Venerable crouched before the monk, and extending his clasped hands in an attitude of reverence, said to him, “Venerable, I freely pardon this venerable monk. Let this venerable monk also pardon me if I have in any way offended against him.” Thereupon the monks said, “Behold, brethren, the surpassing goodness of the Venerable! He cherishes neither anger nor hatred against this lying, slanderous monk. Instead, he crouches before him, extends his hands in an attitude of reverence, and asks his pardon.” When the Buddha heard the talk of the monks, he said, “Monks, what are you talking about?” When they told him, he said, “Monks, it is impossible for Sàriputta and his like to cherish anger or hatred. Sàriputta’s mind is like the great earth, like a threshold, like a pool of still water.”
舍利弗謙虛地說完之後,犯錯的年輕比丘深感愧疚,承認自己指控舍利弗的錯誤。佛陀建議舍利弗接受年輕比丘的道歉,免得年輕比丘將來受業報。年輕比丘就恭敬地懇求舍利弗寬恕。舍利弗也誠摯的原諒他,並且重述如果自己有任何不對的地方,也請他能原諒 (註2)。
備註: 1. 因陀揭羅,是在大門中間安放一堅固的石頭,作為關門時放門橛用的。另一種說法認為它是帝釋的柱子,在進城的地方安立一大而堅固的柱子,以象徵因陀羅(印度守護神)之所在。
2. 舍利弗和大目犍連尊者是佛陀的兩大弟子,佛陀指派他們擔任僧伽的指導人,佛陀建議所有的比丘尊敬他們如同父與母。
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to the Chief Disciple Sàriputta and a young monk.
Once upon a time, at the conclusion of the rains, Venerable Sàriputta, desiring to go forth on an alms-pilgrimage, took leave of the Buddha, paid obeisance to him, and departed with his own retinue. Many other monks took leave of the Venerable. In dismissing the monks the Venerable mentioned the personal and family name of all of the monks who were known by personal and family names. A certain monk who was not known by a personal and family name said, “Oh, that the Venerable would greet me by a personal and family name in dismissing me.” But in the great throng of monks the elder did not notice him. Thereupon the monk said to himself, “He does not greet me as he does the other monks,” and straightaway conceived a grudge against the Venerable.
Besides that, the hem of the Venerable’s garment brushed against the monk, and this also served to intensify the hatred the monk felt towards the Venerable. So, as soon as he knew that the Venerable had passed beyond the entrance to the monastery, he approached the Buddha and said to him, “Venerable, Venerable Sàriputta, doubtless thinking to himself, ‘I am your chief disciple,’ struck me a blow that almost injured my ear. Having so done, without so much as begging my pardon, he set out on his alms-pilgrimage.” The Buddha caused the Venerable to be summoned.
Venerable Sàriputta came with the rest, saluted the Buddha, and sat down respectfully on one side. When the Buddha questioned him about the incident, the elder, instead of saying, “I did not strike that monk,” recited his own virtues.
As the Venerable recited his own virtues, remorse pervaded the whole body of the monk who had unjustly slandered him. And straightaway he fell at the feet of the Buddha, admitted that he was guilty of slander, and confessed his fault. The Buddha addressing the Venerable, said, “Sàriputta, pardon this deluded man, lest his head split into seven pieces.” Thereupon the Venerable crouched before the monk, and extending his clasped hands in an attitude of reverence, said to him, “Venerable, I freely pardon this venerable monk. Let this venerable monk also pardon me if I have in any way offended against him.” Thereupon the monks said, “Behold, brethren, the surpassing goodness of the Venerable! He cherishes neither anger nor hatred against this lying, slanderous monk. Instead, he crouches before him, extends his hands in an attitude of reverence, and asks his pardon.” When the Buddha heard the talk of the monks, he said, “Monks, what are you talking about?” When they told him, he said, “Monks, it is impossible for Sàriputta and his like to cherish anger or hatred. Sàriputta’s mind is like the great earth, like a threshold, like a pool of still water.”
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯