Dhammapada verse #81
Just as a mighty boulder
stirs not with the wind,
so the wise are never moved
either by praise or blame.
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Venerable Bhaddiya.
Bhaddiya was one of the monks staying at the Jētavana Monastery. Because of his short stature he was known as Lakunñaka (the dwarf) to other monks. Lakunñaka Bhaddiya was very good natured; even young monks would often tease him by pulling his nose or his ear, or by patting him on his head. Very often they would jokingly say, “Uncle, how are you? Are you happy or are you bored with your life here as a monk?”
Lakunñaka Bhaddiya never retaliated in anger, or abused them; in fact, even in his heart he did not get angry with them. When told about the patience of Lakunñaka Bhaddiya, the Buddha said, “An arahat never loses his temper, he has no desire to speak harshly or to think ill of others. He is like a mountain of solid rock; as a solid rock is unshaken, so also, an arahat is unperturbed by scorn or by praise.”
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Venerable Bhaddiya.
Bhaddiya was one of the monks staying at the Jētavana Monastery. Because of his short stature he was known as Lakunñaka (the dwarf) to other monks. Lakunñaka Bhaddiya was very good natured; even young monks would often tease him by pulling his nose or his ear, or by patting him on his head. Very often they would jokingly say, “Uncle, how are you? Are you happy or are you bored with your life here as a monk?”
Lakunñaka Bhaddiya never retaliated in anger, or abused them; in fact, even in his heart he did not get angry with them. When told about the patience of Lakunñaka Bhaddiya, the Buddha said, “An arahat never loses his temper, he has no desire to speak harshly or to think ill of others. He is like a mountain of solid rock; as a solid rock is unshaken, so also, an arahat is unperturbed by scorn or by praise.”
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯