Dhammapada verse #92
For those who don’t accumulate,
who well reflect upon their food,
they have as range the nameless and
the void of perfect freedom too.
As birds that wing through space,
hard to trace their going.
1. 知遍知: 確實明白食物的意義。
2. 審察遍知:確實明白食物的卑微。
3. 斷偏知: 滅盡進食的欲樂。
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Venerable Bellaññhisãsa.
Venerable Bellaññhisãsa, after going on an alms-round in the village, stopped on the way and took his food there. After the meal, he continued his round of alms for more food. When he had collected enough food he returned to the monastery, dried up the rice and hoarded it. Thus, there was no need for him to go on an alms-round every day; he then remained in jhàna (one-pointed) concentration for two or three days. Arising from jhàna concentration he ate the dried rice he had stored up, after soaking it in water. Other monks thought ill of the thēra on this account, and reported to the Buddha about his hoarding of rice. Since then, the hoarding of food by the monks has been prohibited.
As for Venerable Bellaññhisãsa, since he stored up rice before the ruling on hoarding was made and because he did it not out of greed for food, but only to save time for meditation practice, the Buddha declared that the thēra was quite innocent and that he was not to be blamed.
1. 知遍知: 確實明白食物的意義。
2. 審察遍知:確實明白食物的卑微。
3. 斷偏知: 滅盡進食的欲樂。
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Venerable Bellaññhisãsa.
Venerable Bellaññhisãsa, after going on an alms-round in the village, stopped on the way and took his food there. After the meal, he continued his round of alms for more food. When he had collected enough food he returned to the monastery, dried up the rice and hoarded it. Thus, there was no need for him to go on an alms-round every day; he then remained in jhàna (one-pointed) concentration for two or three days. Arising from jhàna concentration he ate the dried rice he had stored up, after soaking it in water. Other monks thought ill of the thēra on this account, and reported to the Buddha about his hoarding of rice. Since then, the hoarding of food by the monks has been prohibited.
As for Venerable Bellaññhisãsa, since he stored up rice before the ruling on hoarding was made and because he did it not out of greed for food, but only to save time for meditation practice, the Buddha declared that the thēra was quite innocent and that he was not to be blamed.
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯