Dhammapada verse #94
Whose faculties are pacified
as steeds by charioteers well-tamed,
with pride abandoned, unpolluted,
to even devas this One’s dear.
While residing at the Pubbàràma Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Venerable Mahàkaccàyana.
For once upon a time, on the occasion of the terminal festival, the Buddha sat on the ground floor of the mansion of the Mother of Migàra, surrounded by a company of eminent lay disciples. At this time Venerable Kaccàyana resided in the Avanti country. Now this Venerable, although obliged to come from a great distance, regularly attended the preaching of the Dhamma. Therefore, when the Venerables sat down, they always left a seat for Venerable Kaccàyana.
Sakka the king of gods drew near with his celestial retinue from the two Worlds of Gods, and honoured the Buddha with celestial perfumes and garlands. Not seeing Venerable Kaccàyana, he thought to himself, ‘Why is my noble Venerable nowhere seen? It would be well if he were to draw near.” At that very moment the Venerable drew near, and showed himself sitting in his proper seat. When Sakka saw the Venerable, he grasped him firmly by the ankles and said, “It is indeed well that my noble Venerable has come; that my noble Venerable should come, was the very thing I wished for.” So saying, he rubbed the Venerable’s feet with both hands, honoured him with perfumes and garlands, and having paid obeisance to him, stood respectfully on one side.
The monks were offended and said, “Sakka shows respect of persons in rendering honour. Such honour as this, he has not rendered to the rest of the Chief Disciples. The moment he saw Venerable Kaccàyana, he grasped him by the ankles and said, ‘It is indeed well that my noble Venerable has come; that my noble Venerable should come, was the very thing I wished for.’ So saying, he rubbed the Venerable’s feet with both hands, honoured him with perfumes and garlands, and having paid obeisance to him, stood respectfully on one side.” The Buddha, hearing their talk, said, “Monks, those monks who, like my son Kaccàyana, keep the doors of their senses guarded, are beloved both by gods and men.”
While residing at the Pubbàràma Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Venerable Mahàkaccàyana.
For once upon a time, on the occasion of the terminal festival, the Buddha sat on the ground floor of the mansion of the Mother of Migàra, surrounded by a company of eminent lay disciples. At this time Venerable Kaccàyana resided in the Avanti country. Now this Venerable, although obliged to come from a great distance, regularly attended the preaching of the Dhamma. Therefore, when the Venerables sat down, they always left a seat for Venerable Kaccàyana.
Sakka the king of gods drew near with his celestial retinue from the two Worlds of Gods, and honoured the Buddha with celestial perfumes and garlands. Not seeing Venerable Kaccàyana, he thought to himself, ‘Why is my noble Venerable nowhere seen? It would be well if he were to draw near.” At that very moment the Venerable drew near, and showed himself sitting in his proper seat. When Sakka saw the Venerable, he grasped him firmly by the ankles and said, “It is indeed well that my noble Venerable has come; that my noble Venerable should come, was the very thing I wished for.” So saying, he rubbed the Venerable’s feet with both hands, honoured him with perfumes and garlands, and having paid obeisance to him, stood respectfully on one side.
The monks were offended and said, “Sakka shows respect of persons in rendering honour. Such honour as this, he has not rendered to the rest of the Chief Disciples. The moment he saw Venerable Kaccàyana, he grasped him by the ankles and said, ‘It is indeed well that my noble Venerable has come; that my noble Venerable should come, was the very thing I wished for.’ So saying, he rubbed the Venerable’s feet with both hands, honoured him with perfumes and garlands, and having paid obeisance to him, stood respectfully on one side.” The Buddha, hearing their talk, said, “Monks, those monks who, like my son Kaccàyana, keep the doors of their senses guarded, are beloved both by gods and men.”
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯