Dhammapada verse #90
With journey finished and sorrowless,
from everything completely free,
for one who has loosened all the ties
passion’s fever is not found.
(註1)有四種繫縛:貪、瞋、戒禁取和見取 。
(註2)無有苦惱者即阿羅漢 。
(註3)精舍啟用典禮之後,耆域就證得初果。佛陀在他的建議之下,吩咐比丘要適當 運動,如打掃和走路等。《耆域經》記載佛陀對食肉的看法,該經就是佛陀對耆域的說法。
While residing at the mango-grove Monastery of Jãvaka, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to the question raised by Jãvaka to the Buddha.
Now on a certain occasion Dēvadatta joined forces with Ajàtasattu, climbed Vulture Peak, and out of the wickedness of his heart, saying to himself, “I will kill the Buddha,” hurled down a rock. Two mountain crags caught the rock and splintered it; but one of the flying pieces struck the foot of the Buddha and caused blood to flow. The Buddha suffered intense pains and was removed by the monks to Maddakucchi. Desiring to go on to Jãvaka’s Mango-grove, the Buddha said to the monks, “Carry me thither.” So the monks took the Buddha and carried him to Jivaka’s Mango-grove. When Jãvaka heard the news, he immediately went to the Buddha and to heal the wound applied an ointment. Then he bound up the wound and said to the Buddha, “Venerable, I have a patient in the city. As soon as I have visited him, I will return. Let this dressing remain exactly as it is until I return.” So saying, Jãvaka went and treated his patient. But the gate was closed when he returned, and he was therefore unable to enter. Thereupon the following thought occurred to him, “I have committed a grievous fault. I applied an astringent to the foot of the Buddha and bound up his wound, just as I should have bound up the wound of any other man. It is now time to remove the bandage. For if the bandage remains unbound all night long, the Buddha will suffer intense pain.”
At that moment the Buddha addressed the Venerable ânanda, “ânanda, Jãvaka returned late in the evening and was unable to enter the gate. This was the thought in his mind, ‘Now it is time to remove the bandage.’ Therefore remove the bandage, whereupon the scar disappeared like bark from a tree. At early dawn Jãvaka hastened to the Buddha’s side and asked, “Venerable, did you suffer intense pain?” Said the Buddha, ‘Jãvaka, all suffering is extinguished for the Buddha, even as when he sat on the Throne of Enlightenment.”
(註1)有四種繫縛:貪、瞋、戒禁取和見取 。
(註2)無有苦惱者即阿羅漢 。
(註3)精舍啟用典禮之後,耆域就證得初果。佛陀在他的建議之下,吩咐比丘要適當 運動,如打掃和走路等。《耆域經》記載佛陀對食肉的看法,該經就是佛陀對耆域的說法。
While residing at the mango-grove Monastery of Jãvaka, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to the question raised by Jãvaka to the Buddha.
Now on a certain occasion Dēvadatta joined forces with Ajàtasattu, climbed Vulture Peak, and out of the wickedness of his heart, saying to himself, “I will kill the Buddha,” hurled down a rock. Two mountain crags caught the rock and splintered it; but one of the flying pieces struck the foot of the Buddha and caused blood to flow. The Buddha suffered intense pains and was removed by the monks to Maddakucchi. Desiring to go on to Jãvaka’s Mango-grove, the Buddha said to the monks, “Carry me thither.” So the monks took the Buddha and carried him to Jivaka’s Mango-grove. When Jãvaka heard the news, he immediately went to the Buddha and to heal the wound applied an ointment. Then he bound up the wound and said to the Buddha, “Venerable, I have a patient in the city. As soon as I have visited him, I will return. Let this dressing remain exactly as it is until I return.” So saying, Jãvaka went and treated his patient. But the gate was closed when he returned, and he was therefore unable to enter. Thereupon the following thought occurred to him, “I have committed a grievous fault. I applied an astringent to the foot of the Buddha and bound up his wound, just as I should have bound up the wound of any other man. It is now time to remove the bandage. For if the bandage remains unbound all night long, the Buddha will suffer intense pain.”
At that moment the Buddha addressed the Venerable ânanda, “ânanda, Jãvaka returned late in the evening and was unable to enter the gate. This was the thought in his mind, ‘Now it is time to remove the bandage.’ Therefore remove the bandage, whereupon the scar disappeared like bark from a tree. At early dawn Jãvaka hastened to the Buddha’s side and asked, “Venerable, did you suffer intense pain?” Said the Buddha, ‘Jãvaka, all suffering is extinguished for the Buddha, even as when he sat on the Throne of Enlightenment.”
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯