Dhammapada verse #91
Mindful Ones exert themselves,
in no abode do they delight,
as swans abandoning their lake
home after home they leave behind.
佛陀和眾多比丘有一年在王舍城結夏安居。安居結束前約兩星期的時候,佛陀預先告訴比丘,安居後要離開王舍城,要比丘們預做準備 (註2)。有些比丘便開始縫製新袈裟並加以染色,有些人則洗滌舊袈裟。但當比丘們看見大迦葉尊者也在洗袈裟時,心中想著:「王舍城裏裏外外有非常多信徒仰慕大迦葉尊者,並且供養一切所需的物品。這種情形下,大迦葉卻要追隨佛陀,離開他們,這樣做對嗎?」
While residing at the Vēluvana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Venerable Mahàkassapa.
On a certain occasion, after keeping residence during the season of the rains at Ràjagaha, the Buddha made this announcement to the monks, “At the end of a fortnight I will go forth on a pilgrimage for alms.” But while the monks were scalding their bowls and dyeing their robes, the Venerable Mahàkassapa washed his robes. The monks were offended at this and said, ‘Why does the Venerable wash his robes? Within and without this city dwell a hundred and eighty million people. So many of these as are not the Venerable’s kinsfolk are his supporters; and so many as are not his supporters are his kinsfolk. All these people show honour and reverence to the Venerable by providing him with the four requisites. If he rejects all their good offices, where will he go? Even were he to go, he would not go farther than Màpamàda Cave.” (Màpamàda Cave, by the way, acquired its name in the following way: Whenever the Buddha reached this cave, he would say to the monks who were to return, “Now you may return; be not heedless – mà pamajjittha.” Thus this cave came to be called Màpamàda Cave.)
Likewise the Buddha thought, as he set out on his pilgrimage, “Within and without this city dwell a hundred and eighty million people, and on occasions of public festivals or disasters, there the monks must go. It is therefore out of the question to leave the monastery empty. But shall I direct all of them to return?” Then the following thought occurred to him, “These people are either kinsfolk or retainers of Mahàkassapa; therefore, it is Mahàkassapa whom I should direct to return.” Accordingly he said to the Venerable, “Mahàkassapa, it is out of the question to leave the monastery empty, for there is need of monks on occasions of public festivals or disasters; therefore take your own retinue with you and return.” “Very well, Venerable,” replied the Venerable and taking his own retinue with him, he returned.
The monks were offended at this and said, “Did you observe, brethren? Did we not just say, ‘Why is Mahàkassapa washing his robes? He will not accompany the Buddha.’ Everything has happened just as we said it would.” When the Buddha heard the talk of the monks, he turned around, stood still, and said, “Monks, what is this you are saying?’ “We are talking about Venerable Mahàkassapa, Venerable,” replied the monks, and then repeated their conversation word for word. The Buddha listened to what they had to say and then replied, “Monks, you say, ‘Mahàkassapa is attached to his households and his requisites.’ As a matter of fact, he turned back because it was his desire to obey my command. For in a previous state of existence he made an earnest wish and became, like the moon, free from attachment. He made the earnest wish, ‘May I be able to approach the households of supporters.’ Mahàkassapa has no attachment for a household or a requisite. Beginning with Mahàkassapa, I preached to all a path like that of the moon, the path of the stock of the elect. My son has no attachment anywhere, but is like a royal goose which goes down into a lake and swims and remains there.
While residing at the Vēluvana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Venerable Mahàkassapa.
On a certain occasion, after keeping residence during the season of the rains at Ràjagaha, the Buddha made this announcement to the monks, “At the end of a fortnight I will go forth on a pilgrimage for alms.” But while the monks were scalding their bowls and dyeing their robes, the Venerable Mahàkassapa washed his robes. The monks were offended at this and said, ‘Why does the Venerable wash his robes? Within and without this city dwell a hundred and eighty million people. So many of these as are not the Venerable’s kinsfolk are his supporters; and so many as are not his supporters are his kinsfolk. All these people show honour and reverence to the Venerable by providing him with the four requisites. If he rejects all their good offices, where will he go? Even were he to go, he would not go farther than Màpamàda Cave.” (Màpamàda Cave, by the way, acquired its name in the following way: Whenever the Buddha reached this cave, he would say to the monks who were to return, “Now you may return; be not heedless – mà pamajjittha.” Thus this cave came to be called Màpamàda Cave.)
Likewise the Buddha thought, as he set out on his pilgrimage, “Within and without this city dwell a hundred and eighty million people, and on occasions of public festivals or disasters, there the monks must go. It is therefore out of the question to leave the monastery empty. But shall I direct all of them to return?” Then the following thought occurred to him, “These people are either kinsfolk or retainers of Mahàkassapa; therefore, it is Mahàkassapa whom I should direct to return.” Accordingly he said to the Venerable, “Mahàkassapa, it is out of the question to leave the monastery empty, for there is need of monks on occasions of public festivals or disasters; therefore take your own retinue with you and return.” “Very well, Venerable,” replied the Venerable and taking his own retinue with him, he returned.
The monks were offended at this and said, “Did you observe, brethren? Did we not just say, ‘Why is Mahàkassapa washing his robes? He will not accompany the Buddha.’ Everything has happened just as we said it would.” When the Buddha heard the talk of the monks, he turned around, stood still, and said, “Monks, what is this you are saying?’ “We are talking about Venerable Mahàkassapa, Venerable,” replied the monks, and then repeated their conversation word for word. The Buddha listened to what they had to say and then replied, “Monks, you say, ‘Mahàkassapa is attached to his households and his requisites.’ As a matter of fact, he turned back because it was his desire to obey my command. For in a previous state of existence he made an earnest wish and became, like the moon, free from attachment. He made the earnest wish, ‘May I be able to approach the households of supporters.’ Mahàkassapa has no attachment for a household or a requisite. Beginning with Mahàkassapa, I preached to all a path like that of the moon, the path of the stock of the elect. My son has no attachment anywhere, but is like a royal goose which goes down into a lake and swims and remains there.
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯