Dhammapada verse #85 ~ 86
Among folk they are few
who go to the Further Shore,
most among humanity
scurry on this hither shore.
But they who practise Dhamma
according to Dhamma well-told,
from Death’s Domain hard to leave
they’ll cross to the Further Shore.
【第85, 86偈的故事】
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke these verses, with reference to a congregation of people who had come to listen to a religious discourse in Sàvatthi.
On one occasion, a group of people from Sàvatthi made special offerings to the monks collectively and they arranged for some monks to deliver discourses throughout the night, in their locality. Many in the audience could not sit up the whole night and they returned to their homes early; some sat through the night, but most of the time they were drowsy and half-asleep.
There were only a few who listened attentively to the discourse. At dawn, when the monks told the Buddha about what happened the previous night, he replied, “Most people are attached to this world; only a very few reach the other shore (nibbàna).”
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke these verses, with reference to a congregation of people who had come to listen to a religious discourse in Sàvatthi.
On one occasion, a group of people from Sàvatthi made special offerings to the monks collectively and they arranged for some monks to deliver discourses throughout the night, in their locality. Many in the audience could not sit up the whole night and they returned to their homes early; some sat through the night, but most of the time they were drowsy and half-asleep.
There were only a few who listened attentively to the discourse. At dawn, when the monks told the Buddha about what happened the previous night, he replied, “Most people are attached to this world; only a very few reach the other shore (nibbàna).”
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯