Dhammapada verse #113
Though one should live a hundred years
not seeing rise and fall,
yet better is life for a single day
seeing rise and fall.
佛陀安慰她:「波她卡娜,不要恐懼!你已經安止於一位可以真正保護並指引你的人了,在過往的生死輪迴中,你為兒子、丈夫、父母、兄弟所流過的眼淚已經夠多了。」佛陀進一步向她說《無始相應經》(此經討論無窮盡的生死輪迴), 這時候她如釋重擔而漸漸平穩下來,佛陀又說,人不應該過度擔憂逝世的人,反而應該清淨自己,精進努力,俾能證入涅槃。聽完佛陀的說法後,波她卡娜明白生命的無常,而對可以引領人們解脫生死輪迴的佛法建立信心。
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Patàcàrà.
Patàcàrà was the daughter of a rich man from Sàvatthi. She was very beautiful and was guarded very strictly by her parents. But one day, she eloped with a young male attendant of the family and went to live in a village, as a poor man’s wife. In due course she became pregnant and as the time for confinement drew near, she asked permission from her husband to return to her parents in Sàvatthi, but her husband discouraged her. So, one day, while her husband was away, she set out for the home of her parents. He followed her and caught up with her on the way and pleaded with her to return with him; but she refused. It so happened that as her time was drawing so near, she had to give birth to a son in one of the bushes. After the birth of her son she returned home with her husband.
Then, she was again with child and as the time for confinement drew near, taking her son with her, she again set out for the home of her parents in Sàvatthi. Her husband followed her and caught up with her on the way; but her time for delivery was coming on very fast and it was also raining hard. The husband looked for a suitable place for confinement and while he was clearing a little patch of land, he was bitten by a poisonous snake, and died instantaneously. Patàcàrà waited for her husband, and while waiting for his return she gave birth to her second son. In the morning, she searched for her husband, but only found his dead body. Saying to herself that her husband died on account of her, she continued on her way to her parents. Because it had rained incessantly the whole night, the Aciravati River was in spate; so it was not possible for her to cross the river carrying both her sons. Leaving the elder boy on this side of the river, she crossed the stream with her day-old son and left him on the other bank. She then came back for the elder boy. While she was still in the middle of the river, a large hawk hovered over the younger child taking it for a piece of meat. She shouted to frighten away the bird, but it was all in vain; the child was carried away by the hawk. Meanwhile, the elder boy heard his mother shouting from the middle of the stream and thought she was calling out to him to come to her. So he entered the stream to go to his mother, and was carried away by the strong current. Thus Patàcàrà lost her two sons as well as her husband. So she wept and lamented loudly, “A son is carried away by a hawk, another son is carried away by the current, my husband is also dead, bitten by a poisonous snake!” Then, she saw a man from Sàvatthi and she tearfully asked after her parents. The man replied that due to a violent storm in Sàvatthi the previous night, the house of her parents had fallen down and that both her parents, together with her three brothers, had died, and had been cremated on one funeral pyre. On hearing this tragic news, Patàcàrà went stark mad. She did not even notice that her clothes had fallen off from her and that she was half-naked. She went about the streets, shouting out, “Woe is me!”
While the Buddha was giving a discourse at the Jētavana Monastery, he saw Patàcàrà at a distance; so he willed that she should come to the congregation. The crowd seeing her coming tried to stop her, saying “Don’t let the mad woman come in.” But the Buddha told them not to prevent her coming in. When Patàcàrà was close enough to hear him, he told her to be careful and to keep calm. Then, she realized that she did not have her skirt on and shamefacedly sat down. Someone gave her a piece of cloth and she wrapped herself up in it. She then told the Buddha how she had lost her sons, her husband, her brothers and her parents. She later became a nun and attained liberation.
佛陀安慰她:「波她卡娜,不要恐懼!你已經安止於一位可以真正保護並指引你的人了,在過往的生死輪迴中,你為兒子、丈夫、父母、兄弟所流過的眼淚已經夠多了。」佛陀進一步向她說《無始相應經》(此經討論無窮盡的生死輪迴), 這時候她如釋重擔而漸漸平穩下來,佛陀又說,人不應該過度擔憂逝世的人,反而應該清淨自己,精進努力,俾能證入涅槃。聽完佛陀的說法後,波她卡娜明白生命的無常,而對可以引領人們解脫生死輪迴的佛法建立信心。
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Patàcàrà.
Patàcàrà was the daughter of a rich man from Sàvatthi. She was very beautiful and was guarded very strictly by her parents. But one day, she eloped with a young male attendant of the family and went to live in a village, as a poor man’s wife. In due course she became pregnant and as the time for confinement drew near, she asked permission from her husband to return to her parents in Sàvatthi, but her husband discouraged her. So, one day, while her husband was away, she set out for the home of her parents. He followed her and caught up with her on the way and pleaded with her to return with him; but she refused. It so happened that as her time was drawing so near, she had to give birth to a son in one of the bushes. After the birth of her son she returned home with her husband.
Then, she was again with child and as the time for confinement drew near, taking her son with her, she again set out for the home of her parents in Sàvatthi. Her husband followed her and caught up with her on the way; but her time for delivery was coming on very fast and it was also raining hard. The husband looked for a suitable place for confinement and while he was clearing a little patch of land, he was bitten by a poisonous snake, and died instantaneously. Patàcàrà waited for her husband, and while waiting for his return she gave birth to her second son. In the morning, she searched for her husband, but only found his dead body. Saying to herself that her husband died on account of her, she continued on her way to her parents. Because it had rained incessantly the whole night, the Aciravati River was in spate; so it was not possible for her to cross the river carrying both her sons. Leaving the elder boy on this side of the river, she crossed the stream with her day-old son and left him on the other bank. She then came back for the elder boy. While she was still in the middle of the river, a large hawk hovered over the younger child taking it for a piece of meat. She shouted to frighten away the bird, but it was all in vain; the child was carried away by the hawk. Meanwhile, the elder boy heard his mother shouting from the middle of the stream and thought she was calling out to him to come to her. So he entered the stream to go to his mother, and was carried away by the strong current. Thus Patàcàrà lost her two sons as well as her husband. So she wept and lamented loudly, “A son is carried away by a hawk, another son is carried away by the current, my husband is also dead, bitten by a poisonous snake!” Then, she saw a man from Sàvatthi and she tearfully asked after her parents. The man replied that due to a violent storm in Sàvatthi the previous night, the house of her parents had fallen down and that both her parents, together with her three brothers, had died, and had been cremated on one funeral pyre. On hearing this tragic news, Patàcàrà went stark mad. She did not even notice that her clothes had fallen off from her and that she was half-naked. She went about the streets, shouting out, “Woe is me!”
While the Buddha was giving a discourse at the Jētavana Monastery, he saw Patàcàrà at a distance; so he willed that she should come to the congregation. The crowd seeing her coming tried to stop her, saying “Don’t let the mad woman come in.” But the Buddha told them not to prevent her coming in. When Patàcàrà was close enough to hear him, he told her to be careful and to keep calm. Then, she realized that she did not have her skirt on and shamefacedly sat down. Someone gave her a piece of cloth and she wrapped herself up in it. She then told the Buddha how she had lost her sons, her husband, her brothers and her parents. She later became a nun and attained liberation.
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯