Dhammapada verse #110
Though one should live a hundred years
foolish, uncontrolled,
yet better is life for a single day
moral and meditative.
小沙彌就在這些新比丘的陪同下回林子的精舍去,其他比丘看見他回來都很高興,也鬆了口氣,大家就回祇樹給孤獨園向他們的老師舍利弗禮敬。之後,他們去見佛陀。佛陀告誡他們:「比丘們!即使長命百歲但犯下搶奪、偷盜或種種罪行,生命就毫無意義;德行具足的活一天比污穢的百年歲月更有價值 。」
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to novice monk Saükicca.
On one occasion, thirty monks each took a meditation topic from the Buddha and left for a large village, one hundred and twenty yōjanas (leagues) away from Sàvatthi. At that time, five hundred robbers were staying in a thick jungle, and they wanted to make an offering of human flesh and blood to the guardian spirits of the forest. So they came to the village monastery and demanded that one of the monks be given up to them for sacrifice to the guardian spirits. From the eldest to the youngest, each one of the monks volunteered to go. With the monks, there was also a young novice monk by the name of Saükicca, who was sent along with them by Venerable Sàriputta. This novice monk was only seven years old, but had already attained arahatship. Saükicca said that Venerable Sàriputta, his teacher, knowing this danger in advance, had purposely sent him to accompany the monks, and that he should be the one to go with the robbers. So saying, he went along with the robbers. The monks felt very bad for having let the young novice monk go. The robbers made preparations for the sacrifice; when everything was ready, their leader came to the young novice monk, who was then seated, with his mind fixed on jhàna concentration. The leader of the robbers lifted his sword and struck hard at the young novice monk, but the blade of the sword curled up without cutting the flesh. He straightened up the blade and struck again; this time, it bent upwards right up to the hilt without harming the novice monk. Seeing this strange happening, the leader of the robbers dropped his sword, knelt at the feet of the novice monk and asked his pardon. All the five hundred robbers were amazed and terror-stricken; they repented and asked permission from Saükicca to become monks. He complied with their request.
Having so done, he established them in the ten precepts, and taking them with him, set out. So with a retinue of five hundred monks he went to their place of residence. When they saw him, they were relieved in mind.
Then Saükicca and the five hundred monks continued on their way to pay respect to Venerable Sàriputta, his teacher, at the Jētavana Monastery. After seeing Venerable Sàriputta they went to pay homage to the Buddha. When told what had happened, the Buddha said, “Monks, if you rob or steal and commit all sorts of evil deeds, your life would be useless, even if you were to live a hundred years. Living a virtuous life even for a single day is much better than a hundred years of a life of depravity.”
小沙彌就在這些新比丘的陪同下回林子的精舍去,其他比丘看見他回來都很高興,也鬆了口氣,大家就回祇樹給孤獨園向他們的老師舍利弗禮敬。之後,他們去見佛陀。佛陀告誡他們:「比丘們!即使長命百歲但犯下搶奪、偷盜或種種罪行,生命就毫無意義;德行具足的活一天比污穢的百年歲月更有價值 。」
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to novice monk Saükicca.
On one occasion, thirty monks each took a meditation topic from the Buddha and left for a large village, one hundred and twenty yōjanas (leagues) away from Sàvatthi. At that time, five hundred robbers were staying in a thick jungle, and they wanted to make an offering of human flesh and blood to the guardian spirits of the forest. So they came to the village monastery and demanded that one of the monks be given up to them for sacrifice to the guardian spirits. From the eldest to the youngest, each one of the monks volunteered to go. With the monks, there was also a young novice monk by the name of Saükicca, who was sent along with them by Venerable Sàriputta. This novice monk was only seven years old, but had already attained arahatship. Saükicca said that Venerable Sàriputta, his teacher, knowing this danger in advance, had purposely sent him to accompany the monks, and that he should be the one to go with the robbers. So saying, he went along with the robbers. The monks felt very bad for having let the young novice monk go. The robbers made preparations for the sacrifice; when everything was ready, their leader came to the young novice monk, who was then seated, with his mind fixed on jhàna concentration. The leader of the robbers lifted his sword and struck hard at the young novice monk, but the blade of the sword curled up without cutting the flesh. He straightened up the blade and struck again; this time, it bent upwards right up to the hilt without harming the novice monk. Seeing this strange happening, the leader of the robbers dropped his sword, knelt at the feet of the novice monk and asked his pardon. All the five hundred robbers were amazed and terror-stricken; they repented and asked permission from Saükicca to become monks. He complied with their request.
Having so done, he established them in the ten precepts, and taking them with him, set out. So with a retinue of five hundred monks he went to their place of residence. When they saw him, they were relieved in mind.
Then Saükicca and the five hundred monks continued on their way to pay respect to Venerable Sàriputta, his teacher, at the Jētavana Monastery. After seeing Venerable Sàriputta they went to pay homage to the Buddha. When told what had happened, the Buddha said, “Monks, if you rob or steal and commit all sorts of evil deeds, your life would be useless, even if you were to live a hundred years. Living a virtuous life even for a single day is much better than a hundred years of a life of depravity.”
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯