Dhammapada verse #108
Whatever one who merit seeks
should for a year make sacrifice,
all comes not to a quarter part
of honouring the Noble.
While residing at the Vēluvana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to a friend of Venerable Sàriputta.
The Venerable approached him and asked him, “Bràhmin, do you ever do a single good deed?” “Yes, Venerable.”
“What do you do?” “I offer sacrificial slaughter.’ (At that time, we are told, it was the custom to offer sacrificial slaughter at an expenditure of immense sums of money.)
The Venerable, after questioning his companion in that manner, conducted him to the Buddha, informed him of the incident, and said to him, “Venerable, tell this man the way to the World of Brahma.”
The Buddha asked him, “Bràhmin, are you correctly reported?” “Yes,” replied the bràhmin.
“Bràhmin, though you should offer sacrificial slaughter for a year, yet would your act not be worth the fourth part of the act of him who, with believing heart, gives alms on the people, or of those who, with good intention, render homage to my disciples.”
While residing at the Vēluvana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to a friend of Venerable Sàriputta.
The Venerable approached him and asked him, “Bràhmin, do you ever do a single good deed?” “Yes, Venerable.”
“What do you do?” “I offer sacrificial slaughter.’ (At that time, we are told, it was the custom to offer sacrificial slaughter at an expenditure of immense sums of money.)
The Venerable, after questioning his companion in that manner, conducted him to the Buddha, informed him of the incident, and said to him, “Venerable, tell this man the way to the World of Brahma.”
The Buddha asked him, “Bràhmin, are you correctly reported?” “Yes,” replied the bràhmin.
“Bràhmin, though you should offer sacrificial slaughter for a year, yet would your act not be worth the fourth part of the act of him who, with believing heart, gives alms on the people, or of those who, with good intention, render homage to my disciples.”
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯