Dhammapada verse # 104 ~ 105
Greater the conquest of oneself
than subjugating others,
that one who’s always self-restrained,
that one who’s tamed of self .
Neither deva nor minstrel divine,
nor Mara together with Brahma,
can overthrow the victory
of such a one as this.
【第104 - 105偈的故事】
(1) 太陽高掛了才起床 (2) 疏懶成性 (3) 殘暴 (4) 沉溺毒品(尤其指酒) 而昏醉迷糊 (5) 在惹人懷疑的時間內,獨自在街上閒逛 (6) 邪淫。
佛陀接著問這婆羅門如何維生,婆羅門回答說以賭博維生 (註)。佛陀再問他輸贏情形,當婆羅門回答說有輸有贏時,佛陀說:「在賭博中獲勝,無法與克服煩惱的成就相比。」
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke these verses, with reference to the bràhmin Anatthapucchaka.
On one occasion, a bràhmin by the name of Anatthapucchaka, came to the Buddha and said to him, “Venerable, I think that you know only the practices that are beneficial and not the practices that are not beneficial.” To him, the Buddha answered that he also knew the practices which were not beneficial and harmful. Then the Buddha enumerated six practices which cause dissipation of wealth; they are: (1) sleeping until the sun has risen, (2) habitual idleness, (3) cruelty, (4) indulgence in intoxicants which cause drunkenness and negligence, (5) sauntering alone in streets at unearthly hours, and (6) sexual misconduct.
When the bràhmin heard this, he applauded the Buddha, saying, ‘Well said, well said, teacher of the multitude, leader of the multitude! You know indeed both gain and loss.” “Indeed, bràhmin, there is none other that knows loss so well as I”. Then the Buddha considered within himself what motive actuated the bràhmin, and asked him, “Bràhmin, how do you make your living?” “By gambling, Venerable.” “But who wins, you or the other man?” “Sometimes I win and sometimes the other man wins.” Then said the Buddha, “Bràhmin, a trifling matter is the victory of him who defeats another; there is no superior advantage in such a victory. But he who overcomes his depravities and so conquers self, wins a better victory, for such a victory no one can turn into defeat.”
(1) 太陽高掛了才起床 (2) 疏懶成性 (3) 殘暴 (4) 沉溺毒品(尤其指酒) 而昏醉迷糊 (5) 在惹人懷疑的時間內,獨自在街上閒逛 (6) 邪淫。
佛陀接著問這婆羅門如何維生,婆羅門回答說以賭博維生 (註)。佛陀再問他輸贏情形,當婆羅門回答說有輸有贏時,佛陀說:「在賭博中獲勝,無法與克服煩惱的成就相比。」
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke these verses, with reference to the bràhmin Anatthapucchaka.
On one occasion, a bràhmin by the name of Anatthapucchaka, came to the Buddha and said to him, “Venerable, I think that you know only the practices that are beneficial and not the practices that are not beneficial.” To him, the Buddha answered that he also knew the practices which were not beneficial and harmful. Then the Buddha enumerated six practices which cause dissipation of wealth; they are: (1) sleeping until the sun has risen, (2) habitual idleness, (3) cruelty, (4) indulgence in intoxicants which cause drunkenness and negligence, (5) sauntering alone in streets at unearthly hours, and (6) sexual misconduct.
When the bràhmin heard this, he applauded the Buddha, saying, ‘Well said, well said, teacher of the multitude, leader of the multitude! You know indeed both gain and loss.” “Indeed, bràhmin, there is none other that knows loss so well as I”. Then the Buddha considered within himself what motive actuated the bràhmin, and asked him, “Bràhmin, how do you make your living?” “By gambling, Venerable.” “But who wins, you or the other man?” “Sometimes I win and sometimes the other man wins.” Then said the Buddha, “Bràhmin, a trifling matter is the victory of him who defeats another; there is no superior advantage in such a victory. But he who overcomes his depravities and so conquers self, wins a better victory, for such a victory no one can turn into defeat.”
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯