Dhammapada verse #57
Of those with perfect virtue
who dwell in heedfulness,
freed by Final Knowledge
Mara cannot know their path.
While residing at the Vēluvana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this Verse, with reference to Venerable Gōdhika.
While Venerable Gōdhika was in residence at Black Rock on Mount Isigili, heedful, ardent, resolute, having attained ‘release of mind’ through the practice of meditation, he was attacked by a certain disease brought on by diligent application to duty, and fell away from the mental repose of ‘disknowing’. A second time and a third time, and unto six times, did he enter into a state of mental repose and fell away therefrom. As he entered into a state of mental repose for the seventh time, he thought to himself, “Six times I have fallen away from a state of mental repose. Doubtful is the future state of him who falls away from a state of mental repose. Now is the time for me to use the razor.”
Accordingly, he took the razor with which he shaved his hair, and lay down on his bed, intending to end his life. Màra perceived his intention and thought to himself, “This monk intends to use the razor. Those who use the razor in this way are indifferent to life. Such men, having attained penetration, win Arahatship. But if I try to prevent him from carrying out his intention, he will pay no attention to my words. I will therefore induce the Buddha to prevent him.” At that moment the Venerable drew his knife. The Buddha, perceiving Màra, said, “Thus do those who are steadfast, nor do they yearn for life. Gōdhika has uprooted craving and has attained Nibbàna.” Now the Buddha, accompanied by a large number of monks, entered the place where the Venerable had lain down and used his knife.
At that moment Màra, the Evil One, like a pillar of smoke or a mass of darkness, was searching in all directions for the Venerable’s consciousness. Thought he, “Where has his rebirth-consciousness fixed itself?” The Buddha pointed out to the monks the pillar of smoke and the mass of darkness and said to them, “Monks, that is Màra, the Evil One, searching for the consciousness of the goodly youth Gōdhika. Thinks he, ‘Where has the consciousness of the goodly youth Gōdhika fixed itself?’ But, monks, the consciousness of the goodly youth Gōdhika has not fixed itself. For, monks, the goodly youth Gōdhika has passed into Nibbàna. Màra, being unable to find the place where the consciousness of the Venerable had fixed itself, approached the Buddha and asked him, “Where has Gōdhika gone?”
Said the Buddha to Màra, “Gōdhika has uprooted craving and has attained Nibbàna.” Then said the Buddha, “Evil One, what have you to do with the place where the consciousness of the goodly youth Gōdhika has fixed itself? A hundred or a thousand like you could never find it.”
While residing at the Vēluvana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this Verse, with reference to Venerable Gōdhika.
While Venerable Gōdhika was in residence at Black Rock on Mount Isigili, heedful, ardent, resolute, having attained ‘release of mind’ through the practice of meditation, he was attacked by a certain disease brought on by diligent application to duty, and fell away from the mental repose of ‘disknowing’. A second time and a third time, and unto six times, did he enter into a state of mental repose and fell away therefrom. As he entered into a state of mental repose for the seventh time, he thought to himself, “Six times I have fallen away from a state of mental repose. Doubtful is the future state of him who falls away from a state of mental repose. Now is the time for me to use the razor.”
Accordingly, he took the razor with which he shaved his hair, and lay down on his bed, intending to end his life. Màra perceived his intention and thought to himself, “This monk intends to use the razor. Those who use the razor in this way are indifferent to life. Such men, having attained penetration, win Arahatship. But if I try to prevent him from carrying out his intention, he will pay no attention to my words. I will therefore induce the Buddha to prevent him.” At that moment the Venerable drew his knife. The Buddha, perceiving Màra, said, “Thus do those who are steadfast, nor do they yearn for life. Gōdhika has uprooted craving and has attained Nibbàna.” Now the Buddha, accompanied by a large number of monks, entered the place where the Venerable had lain down and used his knife.
At that moment Màra, the Evil One, like a pillar of smoke or a mass of darkness, was searching in all directions for the Venerable’s consciousness. Thought he, “Where has his rebirth-consciousness fixed itself?” The Buddha pointed out to the monks the pillar of smoke and the mass of darkness and said to them, “Monks, that is Màra, the Evil One, searching for the consciousness of the goodly youth Gōdhika. Thinks he, ‘Where has the consciousness of the goodly youth Gōdhika fixed itself?’ But, monks, the consciousness of the goodly youth Gōdhika has not fixed itself. For, monks, the goodly youth Gōdhika has passed into Nibbàna. Màra, being unable to find the place where the consciousness of the Venerable had fixed itself, approached the Buddha and asked him, “Where has Gōdhika gone?”
Said the Buddha to Màra, “Gōdhika has uprooted craving and has attained Nibbàna.” Then said the Buddha, “Evil One, what have you to do with the place where the consciousness of the goodly youth Gōdhika has fixed itself? A hundred or a thousand like you could never find it.”
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯