Dhammapada verse # 44 ~ 45
Who will comprehend this earth,
the world of Yama, and the gods?
Who will discern the well-taught Dhamma
as one who’s skilled selects a flower.
One Trained will comprehend this earth,
the world of Yama, and the gods,
One Trained discern the well-taught Dhamma
as one who’s skilled selects a flower.
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke these verses, with reference to five hundred monks.
Five hundred monks, after accompanying the Buddha to a village, returned to the Jētavana Monastery. In the evening, while the monks were talking about the trip, especially the condition of the land, whether it was level or hilly, or whether the ground was of clay or sand, red or black, the Buddha came to them.
Knowing the subject of their talk, he said to them, “Monks, the earth you are talking about is external to the body; it is better, indeed, to examine your own body and make preparations for meditation practice.”
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke these verses, with reference to five hundred monks.
Five hundred monks, after accompanying the Buddha to a village, returned to the Jētavana Monastery. In the evening, while the monks were talking about the trip, especially the condition of the land, whether it was level or hilly, or whether the ground was of clay or sand, red or black, the Buddha came to them.
Knowing the subject of their talk, he said to them, “Monks, the earth you are talking about is external to the body; it is better, indeed, to examine your own body and make preparations for meditation practice.”
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯