Dhammapada verse #32
The bhikkhu liking heedfulness,
seeing fear in heedlessness,
never will he fall away,
near is he to Nibbana.
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to the monk Nigàma Vàsi Tissa.
A youth of high station, born and reared in a certain markettown not far from Sàvatthi, retired from the world and became a monk in the religion of the Buddha. On making his full profession, he became known as Tissa of the Market-town, or Nigàma Tissa. He acquired the reputation of being frugal, content, pure, resolute. He always made his rounds for alms in the village where his relatives resided. Although, in the neighbouring city of Sàvatthi, Anàthapiõóika and other disciples were bestowing abundant offerings and Pasēnadi Kōsala was bestowing gifts beyond compare, he never went to Sàvatthi.
One day the monks began to talk about him and said to the teacher, “This monk Nigàma Tissa, busy and active, lives in intimate association with his kinsfolk. Although Anàthapiõóika and other disciples are bestowing abundant offerings and Pasēnadi Kōsala is bestowing gifts beyond compare, he never comes to Sàvatthi.” The Buddha had Nigàma Tissa summoned and asked him, “Monk, is the report true that you are doing thus and so?” “Venerable,” replied Tissa, “It is not true that I live in intimate association with my relatives. I receive from these folk only so much food as I can eat. But after receiving so much food, whether coarse or fine, as is necessary to support me, I do not return to the monastery, thinking, ‘Why seek food?’ I do not live in intimate association with my relatives, venerable.” The Buddha, knowing the disposition of the monk, applauded him, saying, ‘Well done, well done, monk!” and then addressed him as follows, “It is not at all strange, monk, that after obtaining such a teacher as I, you should be frugal. For frugality is my disposition and my habit.” And in response to a request of the monks he related the following.
Once upon a time several thousand parrots lived in a certain grove of fig-trees in the Himàlayan country on the bank of the Ganges. One of them, the king-parrot, when the fruits of the tree in which he lived had withered away, ate whatever he found remaining, whether shoot or leaf or bark, drank water from the Ganges, and being very happy and contented, remained where he was. In fact he was so very happy and contented that the abode of Sakka began to quake.
Sakka, observing how happy and contented the parrot was, visited him and turned the whole forest into a green and flourishing place. The Buddha pointed out that even in the past birth he was contented and happy and that such a monk will never slip back from the vicinity of Nibbàna.
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to the monk Nigàma Vàsi Tissa.
A youth of high station, born and reared in a certain markettown not far from Sàvatthi, retired from the world and became a monk in the religion of the Buddha. On making his full profession, he became known as Tissa of the Market-town, or Nigàma Tissa. He acquired the reputation of being frugal, content, pure, resolute. He always made his rounds for alms in the village where his relatives resided. Although, in the neighbouring city of Sàvatthi, Anàthapiõóika and other disciples were bestowing abundant offerings and Pasēnadi Kōsala was bestowing gifts beyond compare, he never went to Sàvatthi.
One day the monks began to talk about him and said to the teacher, “This monk Nigàma Tissa, busy and active, lives in intimate association with his kinsfolk. Although Anàthapiõóika and other disciples are bestowing abundant offerings and Pasēnadi Kōsala is bestowing gifts beyond compare, he never comes to Sàvatthi.” The Buddha had Nigàma Tissa summoned and asked him, “Monk, is the report true that you are doing thus and so?” “Venerable,” replied Tissa, “It is not true that I live in intimate association with my relatives. I receive from these folk only so much food as I can eat. But after receiving so much food, whether coarse or fine, as is necessary to support me, I do not return to the monastery, thinking, ‘Why seek food?’ I do not live in intimate association with my relatives, venerable.” The Buddha, knowing the disposition of the monk, applauded him, saying, ‘Well done, well done, monk!” and then addressed him as follows, “It is not at all strange, monk, that after obtaining such a teacher as I, you should be frugal. For frugality is my disposition and my habit.” And in response to a request of the monks he related the following.
Once upon a time several thousand parrots lived in a certain grove of fig-trees in the Himàlayan country on the bank of the Ganges. One of them, the king-parrot, when the fruits of the tree in which he lived had withered away, ate whatever he found remaining, whether shoot or leaf or bark, drank water from the Ganges, and being very happy and contented, remained where he was. In fact he was so very happy and contented that the abode of Sakka began to quake.
Sakka, observing how happy and contented the parrot was, visited him and turned the whole forest into a green and flourishing place. The Buddha pointed out that even in the past birth he was contented and happy and that such a monk will never slip back from the vicinity of Nibbàna.
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯