Dhammapada verse # 231 ~ 234
Rough action one should guard against,
be with body well-restrained,
bad bodily conduct having shed
train oneself in good.
Rough speaking one should guard against,
be in speaking well-restrained,
bad verbal conduct having shed
train oneself in good.
Rough thinking one should guard against,
be in thinking well-restrained,
bad mental conduct having shed
train oneself in good.
Restrained in body are the wise,
in speech as well they are restrained,
likewise are they restrained in mind,
they’re perfectly restrained.
【第231 ~ 234偈的故事】
有一次,六位穿著木屐,雙手拿著木杖的比丘在石板上走來走去,而製造很大的噪 音。佛陀聽見這些噪音時,問阿難究竟是怎麼一回事,阿難告訴佛陀這六位比丘的情形 。佛陀明白事情的真相後,說人必須體諒別人,不要破壞寧靜的氣氛,他也告誡比丘應控制自己的言行舉止。從此以後,佛陀告誡比丘不要穿木屐。
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯