Dhammapada verse #130
All tremble at force,
dear is life to all.
Likening others to oneself
kill not nor cause to kill.
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to a group of six monks. This is linked to the previous verse.
After having exchanged blows over the incident at the Jētavana Monastery, the same two groups of monks quarrelled again over the same building. As the rule relating to physically hurting others had already been laid down by the Buddha, this particular rule was strictly observed by both groups.
However, this time one of the two groups made threatening gestures to the other group, to the extent that the latter cried out in fright. The Buddha, after hearing about this threatening attitude of the monks, introduced the disciplinary rule preventing the making of threatening gestures to each other.
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to a group of six monks. This is linked to the previous verse.
After having exchanged blows over the incident at the Jētavana Monastery, the same two groups of monks quarrelled again over the same building. As the rule relating to physically hurting others had already been laid down by the Buddha, this particular rule was strictly observed by both groups.
However, this time one of the two groups made threatening gestures to the other group, to the extent that the latter cried out in fright. The Buddha, after hearing about this threatening attitude of the monks, introduced the disciplinary rule preventing the making of threatening gestures to each other.
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯