Dhammapada verse #77
Let him exhort, let him instruct,
and check one from abasement.
Dear indeed is he to the true,
not dear is he to the false.
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Venerables Assaji and Punabbasuka.
These monks, we are told, were two pupils of the chief disciples, but in spite of that fact were shameless and wicked. While they were in residence at Kãtàgiri with their retinues of many monks, they planted and caused to be planted flowering trees and were guilty of all manner of misconduct besides. They violated homes and procured thence the monastic requisites on which they lived. They rendered the monastery uninhabitable for the amiable monks.
Hearing of their doings, the Buddha was determined to expel them from the Sangha. For this purpose he summoned the two chief disciples, together with their retinues, and said to them, “Expel those who will not obey your commands, but admonish and instruct those who will obey. He who admonishes and instructs is hated by those that lack wisdom, but is loved and cherished by the wise.” And joining the connection and instructed them in the Dhamma.
Sàriputta and Moggallàna went there and admonished and instructed those monks. Some of them received the admonitions of the Venerables and corrected their behaviour, others returned to the house-life while still others were expelled from the Sangha.
While residing at the Jētavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Venerables Assaji and Punabbasuka.
These monks, we are told, were two pupils of the chief disciples, but in spite of that fact were shameless and wicked. While they were in residence at Kãtàgiri with their retinues of many monks, they planted and caused to be planted flowering trees and were guilty of all manner of misconduct besides. They violated homes and procured thence the monastic requisites on which they lived. They rendered the monastery uninhabitable for the amiable monks.
Hearing of their doings, the Buddha was determined to expel them from the Sangha. For this purpose he summoned the two chief disciples, together with their retinues, and said to them, “Expel those who will not obey your commands, but admonish and instruct those who will obey. He who admonishes and instructs is hated by those that lack wisdom, but is loved and cherished by the wise.” And joining the connection and instructed them in the Dhamma.
Sàriputta and Moggallàna went there and admonished and instructed those monks. Some of them received the admonitions of the Venerables and corrected their behaviour, others returned to the house-life while still others were expelled from the Sangha.
中文法句出處:《南傳法句經》 了參法師譯
中文故事出處:《法句經故事集》 達摩難陀長老著 周金言譯
中文故事出處:《法句經的故事》 護法法師譯